Waves, complexity and information (OCI)

Permanent staff

Alexandre AUBRY
Tel.: +33 (0)1 80 96 30 66
Alexandre.Aubry (arobase) espci.fr
Tel.: +33 (0)1 80 96 30 52
Julien.Derosny (arobase) espci.fr
Tel.: +33 (0)1 80 96 30 67
Arnaud.Derode (arobase) espci.fr
Mathias FINK
Tel.: +33 (0)1 80 96 30 69
Mathias.Fink (arobase) espci.fr


Tutorial: How to build and control an all-fiber wavefront modulator using mechanical perturbations
Shekel, R., K. Sulimany, S. Resisi, Z. Finkelstein, O. Lib, S. M. Popoff, and Y. Bromberg
Journal of Physics: Photonics 6, no. 3, 033002 (2024)
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Solution to the cocktail party problem: A time-reversal active metasurface for multipoint focusing
Bourdeloux, C., M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Applied 21, no. 5, 054039 (2024)
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Topology optimization for microwave control with reconfigurable intelligent metasurfaces in complex media
Karamanos, T. D., M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Applied 21, no. 4 (2024)
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Airborne ultrasound for the contactless mapping of surface thoracic vibrations during human vocalizations: A pilot study
Wintzenrieth, F., M. Couade, F. Lehanneur, P. Laveneziana, M. C. Niérat, N. Verger, M. Fink, T. Similowski, and R. K. Ing
AIP Advances 14, no. 3 (2024)
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