Effective boundary condition for the reflection of shear waves at the periodic rough boundary of an elastic body Maurel, A., J.-J. Marigo, and K. Pham Vietnam Journal of Mechanics 40, no. 4, 303-323 (2018)
Network-Based Detection and Classification of Seismovolcanic Tremors: Example From the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group in Kamchatka Soubestre, J., N. M. Shapiro, L. Seydoux, J. De rosny, D. V. Droznin, S. Y. Droznina, S. L. Senyukov, and E. I. Gordeev Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, no. 1, 564-582 (2018)
Link Between the Dynamics of Granular Flows and the Generated Seismic Signal: Insights From Laboratory Experiments Farin, M., A. Mangeney, J. De rosny, R. Toussaint, and P.-T. Trinh Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123, no. 6, 1407-1429 (2018)
In vivo high-resolution human retinal imaging with wavefront-correctionless full-field OCT Xiao, P., V. Mazlin, K. Grieve, J. Sahel, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara Optica 5, 409-412 (2018)
In vivo high resolution human corneal imaging using full-field optical coherence tomography Mazlin, V., P. Xiao, E. Dalimier, K. Grieve, K. Irsch, J. Sahel, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara Biomedical Optics Express 9, 557-568 (2018)
A Phononic Crystal-Based High Frequency Rheometer Lanoy, M., A. Bretagne, V. Leroy, and A. Tourin Crystals 8, 195 (2018)
Acoustics of bubble arrays: role played by the dipole response of bubble Leroy, V., N. Chastrette, M. Thieury, O. Lombard, and A. Tourin Fluids 3, 95 (2018)
Matrix Approach of Seismic Imaging: Application to the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica Blondel, T., J. Chaput, A. Derode, M. Campillo, and A. Aubry Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, no. 12, 10,936-10,950 (2018)
Résumé: ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Multiple scattering of seismic waves is often seen as a nightmare for conventional migration techniques that generally rely on a ballistic or a single-scattering assumption. In heterogeneous areas such as volcanoes, the multiple-scattering contribution limits the imaging-depth to one scattering mean free path, the mean distance between two successive scattering events for body waves. In this Letter, we propose a matrix approach of passive seismic imaging that pushes back this fundamental limit by making an efficient use of scattered body waves drowned into a noisy seismic coda. As a proof of concept, the case of the Erebus volcano in Antarctica is considered. The Green's functions between a set of geophones placed on top of the volcano are first retrieved by the cross correlation of coda waves induced by multiple icequakes. This set of impulse responses forms a reflection matrix. By combining a matrix discrimination of singly scattered waves with iterative time reversal, we are able to push back the multiple scattering limit beyond 10 scattering mean free paths. The matrix approach reveals the internal structure of the Erebus volcano: A chimney-shaped structure at shallow depths, a magma reservoir at 2,500 m and several cavities at sea level and below it. The matrix approach paves the way toward a greatly improved monitoring of volcanic structures at depth. Beyond this specific case, the matrix approach of seismic imaging can generally be applied to all scales and areas where multiple scattering events undergone by body waves prevent in-depth imaging of the Earth's crust.
Mots-clés: coda cross-correlation; iterative time reversal; matrix approach; multiple scattering; seismic imaging; volcano seismology
Negative refraction of Lamb modes: A theoretical study Legrand, F., B. Gérardin, J. Laurent, C. Prada, and A. Aubry Physical Review B 98, no. 21 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. This paper provides a theoretical investigation of negative refraction and focusing of elastic guided waves in a freestanding plate with a steplike thickness change. Under certain conditions, a positive phase velocity (forward) Lamb mode can be converted into a negative phase velocity (backward) mode at such interface, giving rise to negative refraction. A semianalytical model is developed to study the influence of various parameters such as the material Poisson's coefficient, the steplike thickness, the frequency, and the incidence angle. To this end, all the Lamb and shear horizontal propagating modes and also a large number of their inhomogeneous and evanescent counterparts are taken into account. The boundary conditions applied to the stress-displacement fields at the thickness step yields an equation system. Its inversion provides the transmission and reflection coefficients between each mode at the interface. The steplike thickness and Poisson's ratio are shown to be key parameters to optimize the negative refraction process. In terms of material, Duralumin is found to be optimal as it leads to a nearly perfect conversion between forward and backward modes over broad frequency and angular ranges. An excellent focusing ability is thus predicted for a flat lens made of two symmetric thickness steps. A laser ultrasonic experiment quantitatively confirms those theoretical predictions. This study paves the way toward the optimization of elastic devices based on negative refraction, in particular for cloaking or superfocusing purposes.
Measuring Dirac Cones in a Subwavelength Metamaterial Yves, S., T. Berthelot, M. Fink, G. Lerosey, and F. Lemoult Physical Review Letters 121, no. 26 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. The exciting discovery of bidimensional systems in condensed matter physics has triggered the search of their photonic analogues. In this Letter, we describe a general scheme to reproduce some of the systems ruled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian in a locally resonant metamaterial; by specifically controlling the structure and the composition it is possible to engineer the band structure at will. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate this assertion in the microwave domain by reproducing the band structure of graphene, the most famous example of those 2D systems, and by accurately extracting the Dirac cones. This is direct evidence that opting for a crystalline description of those subwavelength scaled systems, as opposed to the usual description in terms of effective parameters, makes them a really convenient tabletop platform to investigate the tantalizing challenges that solid-state physics offer.
Near-Field and Far-Field Thermal Emission of an Individual Patch Nanoantenna Li, C., V. Krachmalnicoff, P. Bouchon, J. Jaeck, N. Bardou, R. Haïdar, and Y. De Wilde Physical Review Letters 121, no. 24 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. The far-field spectral and near-field spatial responses of an individual metal-insulator-metal nanoantenna are reported, using thermal fluctuations as an internal source of the electromagnetic field. The far-field spectra, obtained by combining Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with spatial modulation based on a light falloff effect in a confocal geometry, have revealed two distinct emission peaks attributed to the excitation of the fundamental mode of the nanoantenna at two distinct wavelengths. Superresolved near-field images of the thermally excited mode have been obtained by thermal radiation scanning tunneling microscopy. Experimental results are supported by numerical simulations showing that it is possible to excite the same mode at different wavelengths near a resonance of the insulating dielectric material forming the antenna.
Decreased Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Type 2 Thalgott, J. H., D. Dos-Santos-Luis, A. E. Hosman, S. Martin, N. Lamandé, D. Bracquart, S. Srun, G. Galaris, H. C. De Boer, S. Tual-Chalot, S. Kroon, H. M. Arthur, Y. Cao, R. J. Snijder, F. Disch, J. J. Mager, T. J. Rabelink, C. L. Mummery, K. Raymond, and F. Lebrin Circulation 138, no. 23, 2698-2712 (2018)
Résumé: BACKGROUND: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia type 2 (HHT2) is an inherited genetic disorder characterized by vascular malformations and hemorrhage. HHT2 results from ACVRL1 haploinsufficiency, the remaining wild-type allele being unable to contribute sufficient protein to sustain endothelial cell function. Blood vessels function normally but are prone to respond to angiogenic stimuli, leading to the development of telangiectasic lesions that can bleed. How ACVRL1 haploinsufficiency leads to pathological angiogenesis is unknown. METHODS: We took advantage of Acvrl1+/- mutant mice that exhibit HHT2 vascular lesions and focused on the neonatal retina and the airway system after Mycoplasma pulmonis infection, as physiological and pathological models of angiogenesis, respectively. We elucidated underlying disease mechanisms in vitro by generating Acvrl1+/- mouse embryonic stem cell lines that underwent sprouting angiogenesis and performed genetic complementation experiments. Finally, HHT2 plasma samples and skin biopsies were analyzed to determine whether the mechanisms evident in mice are conserved in humans. RESULTS: Acvrl1+/- retinas at postnatal day 7 showed excessive angiogenesis and numerous endothelial "tip cells" at the vascular front that displayed migratory defects. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1; Flt-1) levels were reduced in Acvrl1+/- mice and HHT2 patients, suggesting similar mechanisms in humans. In sprouting angiogenesis, VEGFR1 is expressed in stalk cells to inhibit VEGFR2 (Flk-1, KDR) signaling and thus limit tip cell formation. Soluble VEGFR1 (sVEGFR1) is also secreted, creating a VEGF gradient that promotes orientated sprout migration. Acvrl1+/- embryonic stem cell lines recapitulated the vascular anomalies in Acvrl1+/- (HHT2) mice. Genetic insertion of either the membrane or soluble form of VEGFR1 into the ROSA26 locus of Acvrl1+/- embryonic stem cell lines prevented the vascular anomalies, suggesting that high VEGFR2 activity in Acvrl1+/- endothelial cells induces HHT2 vascular anomalies. To confirm our hypothesis, Acvrl1+/- mice were infected by Mycoplasma pulmonis to induce sustained airway inflammation. Infected Acvrl1+/- tracheas showed excessive angiogenesis with the formation of multiple telangiectases, vascular defects that were prevented by VEGFR2 blocking antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate a key role of VEGFR1 in HHT2 pathogenesis and provide mechanisms explaining why HHT2 blood vessels respond abnormally to angiogenic signals. This supports the case for using anti-VEGF therapy in HHT2.
Mots-clés: angiogenesis, pathological; arteriovenous malformation; hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; vascular endothelial growth factors
Local hippocampal fast gamma rhythms precede brain-wide hyperemic patterns during spontaneous rodent REM sleep Bergel, A., T. Deffieux, C. Demené, M. Tanter, and I. Cohen Nature communications 9, no. 1, 5364 (2018)
Résumé: Rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) is a peculiar brain state combining the behavioral components of sleep and the electrophysiological profiles of wake. After decades of research our understanding of REMS still is precluded by the difficulty to observe its spontaneous dynamics and the lack of multimodal recording approaches to build comprehensive datasets. We used functional ultrasound (fUS) imaging concurrently with extracellular recordings of local field potentials (LFP) to reveal brain-wide spatiotemporal hemodynamics of single REMS episodes. We demonstrate for the first time the close association between global hyperemic events - largely outmatching wake levels in most brain regions - and local hippocampal theta (6-10 Hz) and fast gamma (80-110 Hz) events in the CA1 region. In particular, the power of fast gamma oscillations strongly correlated with the amplitude of subsequent vascular events. Our findings challenge our current understanding of neurovascular coupling and question the evolutionary benefit of such energy-demanding patterns in REMS function.
Transverse confinement of ultrasound through the Anderson transition in three-dimensional mesoglasses Cobus, L. A., W. K. Hildebrand, S. E. Skipetrov, B. A. Van Tiggelen, and J. H. Page Physical Review B 98, no. 21 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We report an in-depth investigation of the Anderson localization transition for classical waves in three dimensions (3D). Experimentally, we observe clear signatures of Anderson localization by measuring the transverse confinement of transmitted ultrasound through slab-shaped mesoglass samples. We compare our experimental data with predictions of the self-consistent theory of Anderson localization for an open medium with the same geometry as our samples. This model describes the transverse confinement of classical waves as a function of the localization (correlation) length, ξ(ζ), and is fitted to our experimental data to quantify the transverse spreading/confinement of ultrasound all of the way through the transition between diffusion and localization. Hence we are able to precisely identify the location of the mobility edges at which the Anderson transitions occur.
Temperature-Dependent Plasmonic Responses from Gold Nanoparticle Dimers Linked by Double-Stranded DNA Lermusiaux, L., and S. Bidault Langmuir 34, no. 49, 14946-14953 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Chemical Society. DNA is a powerful tool to assemble gold nanoparticles into discrete structures with tunable plasmonic properties for photonic or biomedical applications. Because of their photothermal properties or their use in biological media, these nanostructures can experience drastic modifications of the local temperature that can affect their morphology and, therefore, their optical responses. Using single-nanostructure spectroscopy, we demonstrate that, even with a fully stable DNA linker, gold particle dimers can undergo substantial conformational changes at temperatures larger than 50 °C and aggregate irreversibly. Such temperature-dependent resonant optical properties could find applications in imaging and in the design of nonlinear photothermal sources. Inversely, to provide fully stable DNA-templated plasmonic nanostructures at biologically relevant temperatures, we show how passivating the gold nanoparticles using amphiphilic surface chemistries renders the longitudinal plasmon resonance of gold particle dimers nearly independent of the local temperature.
Leveraging Chaos for Wave-Based Analog Computation: Demonstration with Indoor Wireless Communication Signals Del Hougne, P., and G. Lerosey Physical Review X 8, no. 4 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. In sight of fundamental thermal limits on further substantial performance improvements of modern digital computational processing units, wave-based analog computation is becoming an enticing alternative. A wave, as it propagates through a carefully tailored medium, performs the desired computational operation. Yet, the necessary designs are so intricate that experimental demonstrations will necessitate further technological advances. Here, we show that, counterintuitively, the carefully tailored medium can be replaced with a random medium, subject to an appropriate shaping of the incident wave front. Using tunable metasurface reflect-arrays, we demonstrate our concept experimentally in a chaotic microwave cavity. We conclude that off-the-shelf wireless communication infrastructure in combination with a simple reflect-array suffices to perform analog computation with Wi-Fi waves reverberating in a room.
Gray Scale Ultrasound, Color Doppler Ultrasound, and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Renal Parenchymal Diseases Quaia, E., J. M. Correas, M. Mehta, J. T. Murchison, A. G. Gennari, and E. J. R. Van Beek Ultrasound Quarterly 34, no. 4, 250-267 (2018)
Résumé: © Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Ultrasound (US), which may be combination of gray scale and spectral Doppler US, color and power Doppler US, with or without microbubble contrast agents, is usually the first imaging modality to be used in renal parenchymal diseases. The most typical appearance of diffuse renal parenchymal diseases on gray scale US is an increased renal cortical echogenicity and increased or reduced corticomedullary differentiation. Spectral Doppler analysis of intrarenal flows may reveal an increase in intrarenal resistive index value greater than 0.70 in native kidneys, and greater than 0.8 in renal transplants. Gray scale US and spectral Doppler US do not exhibit high specificity and sensitivity because different renal parenchymal diseases often display the same US appearance, whereas the same renal parenchymal disease may present different appearances on US according to disease stage. Consequently, correlation of the US pattern with patient's history and clinical background is essential for a correct characterization.
Mots-clés: contrast; disease; Doppler; kidney; microbubbles; ultrasound
2D and 3D real-time passive cavitation imaging of pulsed cavitation ultrasound therapy in moving tissues Suarez Escudero, D., G. Goudot, M. Vion, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 23 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Pulsed cavitation ultrasound therapy (PCUT) is an effective non-invasive therapeutic approach in various medical indications that relies on the mechanical effects generated by cavitation bubbles. Even though limited by the poor contrast, conventional ultrasound B-Mode imaging has been widely used for the guidance and monitoring of the therapeutic procedure, allowing the visualization of the cavitation bubble cloud. However, the visualization of the bubble cloud is often limited in deep organs such as the liver and the heart and remains moreover completely subjective for the operator. Our goal is to develop a new imaging mode to better identify the cavitation cloud. Active and passive cavitation imaging methods have been developed but none of them has been able to locate the cavitation bubble created by PCUT in real-time and in moving organs. In this paper we propose a passive ultrasound imaging approach combined with a spatiotemporal singular value decomposition filter to detect and map the bubble cloud with high sensitivity and high contrast. In moving applications at a maximal motion speed of 10 mm s-1, the contrast-to-noise ratio for passive cavitation imaging is up to 10 times higher than for active cavitation imaging, with a temporal resolution of about 100 ms. The mapping of the bubble cloud can be overlaid in real-time to the conventional B-Mode, which permits to locate the cavitation phenomena in relation to the anatomic image. Finally, we extend the technique to volumetric imaging and show its feasibility on moving phantoms.
Mots-clés: cavitation; histotripsy; passive imaging; real-time monitoring; therapy; ultrasound imaging; volumetric ultrasound
On the Link Between External Forcings and Slope Instabilities in the Piton de la Fournaise Summit Crater, Reunion Island Durand, V., A. Mangeney, F. Haas, X. Jia, F. Bonilla, A. Peltier, C. Hibert, V. Ferrazzini, P. Kowalski, F. Lauret, C. Brunet, C. Satriano, K. Wegner, A. Delorme, and N. Villeneuve Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123, no. 10, 2422-2442 (2018)
Résumé: ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. We have analyzed the impact of different forcings, such as rain and seismicity, on slope instabilites on an active volcano. For this, we compiled a catalog of the locations and volumes of rockfalls in the Piton de la Fournaise crater using seismic records. We validated it by comparing the locations and volumes to those deduced from photogrammetric data. We analyzed 10,477 rockfalls, spanning the period 2014 to 2016. This period corresponds to the renewal of volcanic activity after a 41-month rest. Our analysis reveals that renewed eruptive activity has unsettled the crater edges. External forcings such as rain and seismicity are shown to potentially increase the number and the volume of rockfalls, with a stronger impact on the volume. Preeruptive seismicity seems to be the main triggering factor for the largest volumes, with a delay of one to several days. Rain alone does not seem to trigger especially large rockfalls. We infer that repetitive vibrations from the many seismic events, combined with the action of rain, induce crack (or slip) growth in highly fractured (or granular) materials, leading to the collapse of large volumes. Regarding their spatial distribution before an eruption, the largest rockfalls seem to migrate toward the location of magma extrusion.
Mots-clés: Piton de la Fournaise; rockfalls; seismicity; slope instabilities; triggering; volcano-tectonic
The role of prefrontal cortex in a moral judgment task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy Dashtestani, H., R. Zaragoza, R. Kermanian, K. M. Knutson, M. Halem, A. Casey, N. Shahni Karamzadeh, A. A. Anderson, A. C. Boccara, and A. Gandjbakhche Brain and Behavior 8, no. 11 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Authors. Brain and Behavior published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Background: Understanding the neural basis of moral judgment (MJ) and human decision-making has been the subject of numerous studies because of their impact on daily life activities and social norms. Here, we aimed to investigate the neural process of MJ using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), a noninvasive, portable, and affordable neuroimaging modality. Methods: We examined prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation in 33 healthy participants engaging in MJ exercises. We hypothesized that participants presented with personal (emotionally salient) and impersonal (less emotional) dilemmas would exhibit different brain activation observable through fNIRS. We also investigated the effects of utilitarian and nonutilitarian responses to MJ scenarios on PFC activation. Utilitarian responses are those that favor the greatest good while nonutilitarian responses favor moral actions. Mixed effect models were applied to model the cerebral hemodynamic changes that occurred during MJ dilemmas. Results and conclusions: Our analysis found significant differences in PFC activation during personal versus impersonal dilemmas. Specifically, the left dorsolateral PFC was highly activated during impersonal MJ when a nonutilitarian decision was made. This is consistent with the majority of relevant fMRI studies, and demonstrates the feasibility of using fNIRS, with its portable and motion tolerant capacities, to investigate the neural basis of MJ dilemmas.
Mots-clés: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; functional near-infrared spectroscopy; mixed effect model; moral judgment
Multi-parametric functional ultrasound imaging of cerebral hemodynamics in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation model Demené, C., D. Maresca, M. Kohlhauer, F. Lidouren, P. Micheau, B. Ghaleh, M. Pernot, R. Tissier, and M. Tanter Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018, The Author(s). Patient mortality at one year reaches 90% after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and resuscitation. Temperature management is one of the main strategies proposed to improve patient outcome after resuscitation and preclinical studies have shown neuroprotective effects when hypothermia is achieved rapidly, although the underlying mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. State-of-the-art brain imaging technologies can bring new insights into the early cerebral events taking place post cardiac arrest and resuscitation. In this paper, we characterized cerebral hemodynamics in a post-cardiac arrest rabbit model using functional ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound datasets were processed to map the dynamic changes in cerebral blood flow and cerebral vascular resistivity with a 10 second repetition rate while animals underwent cardiac arrest and a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We report that a severe transient hyperemia takes place in the brain within the first twenty minutes post resuscitation, emphasizing the need for fast post-cardiac arrest care. Furthermore, we observed that this early hyperemic event is not spatially homogeneous and that maximal cerebral hyperemia happens in the hippocampus. Finally, we show that rapid cooling induced by total liquid ventilation reduces early cerebral hyperemia, which could explain the improved neurological outcome reported in preclinical studies.
Conversion of Love waves in a forest of trees Maurel, A., J. J. Marigo, K. Pham, and S. Guenneau Physical Review B 98, no. 13 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We inspect the propagation of shear polarized surface waves akin to Love waves through a forest of trees of the same height atop a guiding layer on a soil substrate. An asymptotic analysis shows that the forest behaves like an infinitely anisotropic wedge with effective boundary conditions. We discover that the foliage of trees brings a radical change in the nature of the dispersion relation of these surface waves, which behave like spoof plasmons in the limit of a vanishing guiding layer, and like Love waves in the limit of trees with a vanishing height. When we consider a forest with trees of increasing or decreasing height, this hybrid "spoof Love wave" is either trapped within the trees or converted into a downward propagating bulk (shear) wave. These mechanisms of wave trapping and wave conversion appear to be robust with respect to perturbations of height or position of trees in the metawedge and with respect to three-dimensional effects such as regarding a potential change of elastic wave polarization.
A versatile and robust microfluidic device for capillary-sized simple or multiple emulsions production Teston, E., V. Hingot, V. Faugeras, C. Errico, M. Bezagu, M. Tanter, and O. Couture Biomedical microdevices 20, no. 4, 94 (2018)
Résumé: Ultrasound-vaporizable microdroplets can be exploited for targeted drug delivery. However, it requires customized microfluidic techniques able to produce monodisperse, capillary-sized and biocompatible multiple emulsions. Recent development of microfluidic devices led to the optimization of microdroplet production with high yields, low polydispersity and well-defined diameters. So far, only few were shown to be efficient for simple droplets or multiple emulsions production below 5 μm in diameter, which is required to prevent microembolism after intravenous injection. Here, we present a versatile microchip for both simple and multiple emulsion production. This parallelized system based on microchannel emulsification was designed to produce perfluorocarbon in water or water within perfluorocarbon in water emulsions with capillary sizes (<5 μm) and polydispersity index down to 5% for in vivo applications such as spatiotemporally-triggered drug delivery using Ultrasound. We show that droplet production at this scale is mainly controlled by interfacial tension forces, how capillary and viscosity ratios influence droplet characteristics and how different production regimes may take place. The better understanding of droplet formation and its relation to applied pressures is supported by observations with a high-speed camera. Compared to previous microchips, this device opens perspectives to produce injectable and biocompatible droplets with a reasonable yield in order to realize preclinical studies in mice.
Mots-clés: Acoustic droplet vaporization; Biocompatible emulsions; Drug delivery; Microdroplet generation; Microfluidics; Multiple emulsions; Perfluorocarbons
Myocardial Thermal Ablation with a Transesophageal High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Probe: Experiments on Beating Heart Models Greillier, P., B. Ankou, P. Bour, A. Zorgani, E. Abell, R. Lacoste, F. Bessière, M. Pernot, S. Catheline, B. Quesson, P. Chevalier, and C. Lafon Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 44, no. 12, 2625-2636 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Described here is a study of transesophageal thermal ablation of isolated and perfused beating hearts and non-human primates. An endoscope integrating a transesophageal echocardiography probe and a high-intensity focused ultrasound transducer was built and tested on five Langendorff-isolated hearts and three 30-kg baboons. B-Mode ultrasound, passive elastography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed to monitor thermal lesions. In isolated hearts, continuous and gated sonication parameters were evaluated with acoustic intensities of 9–12 W/cm2. Sonication parameters of gated exposures with 12 W/cm2 acoustic intensity for 5 min consistently produced visible lesions in the ventricles of isolated hearts. In animals, left atria and ventricles were exposed to repeated continuous sonications (4–15 times for 16 s) at an acoustic intensity at the surface of the transducer of 9 W/cm2. Clinical states of the baboons during and after the treatment were good. One suspected lesion in the left ventricle could be evidenced by elastography, but was not confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. The transesophageal procedure therefore has the potential to create thermal lesions in beating hearts and its safety in clinical practice seems promising. However, further technical exploration of the energy deposition in the target would be necessary before the next pre-clinical experiments.
Mots-clés: Ablation; Baboons; Cardiac arrhythmia; High-intensity focused ultrasound; Langendorff heart; Magnetic resonance imaging; Minimally invasive ablation strategy; Passive Elastography; Transesophageal ablation
A large aperture row column addressed probe for in vivo 4D ultrafast doppler ultrasound imaging Sauvage, J., M. Flesch, G. Férin, A. Nguyen-Dinh, J. Porée, M. Tanter, M. Pernot, and T. Deffieux Physics in medicine and biology 63, no. 21, 215012 (2018)
Résumé: Four-dimensional (4D) Ultrafast ultrasound imaging was recently proposed to image and quantify blood flow with high sensitivity in 3D as well as anatomical, mechanical or functional information. In 4D Ultrafast imaging, coherent compounding of tilted planes waves emitted by a 2D matrix array were used to image the medium at high volume rate. 4D ultrafast imaging, however, requires a high channel count (>1000) to drive those probes. Alternative approaches have been proposed and investigated to efficiently reduce the density of elements, such as sparse or under-sampled arrays while maintaining a decent image quality and high volume rate. The row-columns configuration presents the advantage of keeping a large active surface with a low amount of elements and a simple geometry. In this study, we investigate the row and column addressed (RCA) approach with the orthogonal plane wave (OPW) compounding strategy using real hardware limitations. We designed and built a large 7 MHz 128 + 128 probe dedicated to vascular imaging and connected to a 256-channel scanner to implement the OPW imaging scheme. Using this strategy, we demonstrate that 4D ultrafast Power Doppler imaging of a large volume of [Formula: see text] up to [Formula: see text] depth, both in vitro on flow phantoms and in vivo on the carotid artery of a healthy volunteer at a volume rate of 834 Hz.
Ultrasonic fat fraction quantification using in vivo adaptive sound speed estimation Imbault, M., M. D. Burgio, A. Faccinetto, M. Ronot, H. Bendjador, T. Deffieux, E. O. Triquet, P. E. Rautou, L. Castera, J. L. Gennisson, V. Vilgrain, and M. Tanter Physics in medicine and biology 63, no. 21, 215013 (2018)
Résumé: The non-invasive quantification of human tissue fat fraction using easily scalable and accessible imaging technologies is crucial for the diagnosis of many diseases including liver steatosis. Here, we propose a non-invasive quantification of fat content using a highly accessible ultrasonic imaging technology. Ultrasonic echoes backscattered from human liver tissues are recombined to synthetize echoes of a virtual point-like reflector within the organs. This virtual point-like reflector is an ultrasonic analogue of artificial stars generated by laser beams in the field of astronomy, which are used to estimate the aberrations induced in the propagation medium. Here, the ultrasonic echoes from the point-like reflector provide an estimate of the Green's function relating the ultrasonic array and the reflector location and consequently represent a measurement of the aberrations induced along the ultrasonic beam travel path. Maximizing the spatial coherence of echoes backscattered from this targeted region provides an estimate of the acoustic sound speed while iteratively making the reflector more echogenic. The acoustic sound speed is dependent of the organ fat content, and we derive and cross-validate a theoretical equation relating acoustic sound speed and fat content both in phantom experiments and humans. An ultrasound-based fat fraction was found to be highly correlated with the oil paraffin concentration (R 2 = 0.985) in phantoms and well correlated with the gold standard magnetic resonance imaging proton density fat fraction measurements (R 2 = 0.73) in patients.
Performance evaluation of the PET component of a hybrid PET/CT-ultrafast ultrasound imaging instrument Perez-Liva, M., T. Viel, T. Yoganathan, A. Garofalakis, J. Sourdon, C. Facchin, M. Tanter, J. Provost, and B. Tavitian Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 19 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. We recently introduced a hybrid imaging instrument, PETRUS, based on a combination of positron emission tomography (PET) for molecular imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT) for anatomical imaging, co-registration and attenuation correction, and ultrafast ultrasound imaging (UUI) for motion-correction, hemodynamic and biomechanical imaging. In order to ensure a precise co-registration of simultaneous PET-UUI acquisitions, ultrasound probes attached to an ultrafast ultrasound scanner are operated in the field of view (FOV) of a small animal PET/CT scanner using a remote-controlled micro-positioner. Here we explore the effect of the presence of ultrasound probes on PET image quality. We compare the performance of PET and image quality with and without the presence of probes in the PET field of view, both in vitro following the NEMA-NU-4-2008 standard protocol, and in vivo in small animals. Overall, deviations in the quality of images acquired with and without the ultrasound probes were under 10% and under 7% for the NEMA protocol and in vivo tests, respectively. Our results demonstrate the capability of the PETRUS device to acquire multimodal images in vivo without significant degradation of image quality.
Mots-clés: hybrid imaging systems; NEMA protocol; PET imaging; ultrafast ultrasound imaging; ultrasound probe inside a PET gantry
Kerker Effect in Ultrahigh-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dubois, M., L. Leroi, Z. Raolison, R. Abdeddaim, T. Antonakakis, J. De Rosny, A. Vignaud, P. Sabouroux, E. Georget, B. Larrat, G. Tayeb, N. Bonod, A. Amadon, F. Mauconduit, C. Poupon, D. Le Bihan, and S. Enoch Physical Review X 8, no. 3 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Ultrahigh-field (UHF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems are getting a lot of attention as they ensure high intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio resulting in higher spatial and temporal resolutions as well as better contrast. This promises improved clinical results with regard to morphological as well as functional and metabolic capabilities. Traditionally, MRI relies on volume coils (birdcage) able to deliver a homogeneous radio frequency field exciting the nuclei magnetic spin. However, this strategy is hindered at UHF because of the rf field inhomogeneities yielded by the increased Larmor frequency. A standard approach consists of inserting passive dielectric elements within the volume coil in order to locally enhance the rf field and mitigate these inhomogeneities. However, the lack of control over their electromagnetic properties prevents the development of optimal solutions. Here, a single meta-atom is used to achieve efficient and tunable rf field control in UHF MRI. We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally a full overlap between the electric dipolar and magnetic dipolar resonances of the meta-atom. This interaction is precisely tuned to reach the so-called Kerker scattering conditions when illuminated in the near field by a birdcage coil. At these conditions, a strong enhancement or suppression of the rf field is achieved in the vicinity of the meta-atom within the MRI volume coil.
The Reissner Fiber in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Controls Morphogenesis of the Body Axis Cantaut-Belarif, Y., J. R. Sternberg, O. Thouvenin, C. Wyart, and P. L. Bardet Current Biology 28, no. 15, 2479-2486.e4 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Authors Organ development depends on the integration of coordinated long-range communication between cells. The cerebrospinal fluid composition and flow properties regulate several aspects of central nervous system development, including progenitor proliferation, neurogenesis, and migration [1–3]. One understudied component of the cerebrospinal fluid, described over a century ago in vertebrates, is the Reissner fiber. This extracellular thread forming early in development results from the assembly of the SCO-spondin protein in the third and fourth brain ventricles and central canal of the spinal cord [4]. Up to now, the function of the Reissner fiber has remained elusive, partly due to the lack of genetic invalidation models [4]. Here, by mutating the scospondin gene, we demonstrate that the Reissner fiber is critical for the morphogenesis of a straight posterior body axis. In zebrafish mutants where the Reissner fiber is lost, ciliogenesis and cerebrospinal fluid flow are intact but body axis morphogenesis is impaired. Our results also explain the frequently observed phenotype that mutant embryos with defective cilia exhibit defects in body axis curvature. Here, we reveal that these mutants systematically fail to assemble the Reissner fiber. We show that cilia promote the formation of the Reissner fiber and that the fiber is necessary for proper body axis morphogenesis. Our study sets the stage for future investigations of the mechanisms linking the Reissner fiber to the control of body axis curvature during vertebrate development. Cantaut-Belarif et al. unravel a developmental role for the Reissner fiber, a long-known structure found in the cerebrospinal fluid. Zebrafish embryos lacking this extracellular thread develop a curled-down axis reminiscent of cilia-defective mutants. This fiber needs cilia to form and is required for straight axis morphogenesis.
Mots-clés: body axis morphogenesis; central canal; cerebrospinal fluid; cilia; development; extracellular protein; fluid dynamics; fluid dynamics; Reissner fiber; zebrafish
Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography in scattering media: Flux filtering based on persistent spectral hole burning in the optical diagnosis window Venet, C., M. Bocoum, J. B. Laudereau, T. Chaneliere, F. Ramaz, and A. Louchet-Chauvet Optics Letters 43, no. 16, 3993-3996 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. Ultrasound-modulated optical tomography (UOT) is a powerful imaging technique to discriminate healthy from unhealthy biological tissues based on their optical signature. Among the numerous detection techniques developed for acousto-optic imaging, only those based on spectral filtering are intrinsically immune to speckle decorrelation. This Letter reports on UOT imaging based on spectral hole burning in Tm:YAG crystal under a moderate magnetic field (200G) with a well-defined orientation. The deep and long-lasting holes translate into a more efficient UOT imaging with a higher contrast and faster imaging frame rate. We demonstrate the potential of this method by imaging calibrated phantom scattering gels.
Pkd2l1 is required for mechanoception in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and maintenance of spine curvature Sternberg, J. R., A. E. Prendergast, L. Brosse, Y. Cantaut-Belarif, O. Thouvenin, A. Orts-Del’immagine, L. Castillo, L. Djenoune, S. Kurisu, J. R. Mcdearmid, P. L. Bardet, C. Boccara, H. Okamoto, P. Delmas, and C. Wyart Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018, The Author(s). Defects in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow may contribute to idiopathic scoliosis. However, the mechanisms underlying detection of CSF flow in the central canal of the spinal cord are unknown. Here we demonstrate that CSF flows bidirectionally along the antero-posterior axis in the central canal of zebrafish embryos. In the cfap298tm304mutant, reduction of cilia motility slows transport posteriorly down the central canal and abolishes spontaneous activity of CSF-contacting neurons (CSF-cNs). Loss of the sensory Pkd2l1 channel nearly abolishes CSF-cN calcium activity and single channel opening. Recording from isolated CSF-cNs in vitro, we show that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory and require Pkd2l1 to respond to pressure. Additionally, adult pkd2l1 mutant zebrafish develop an exaggerated spine curvature, reminiscent of kyphosis in humans. These results indicate that CSF-cNs are mechanosensory cells whose Pkd2l1-driven spontaneous activity reflects CSF flow in vivo. Furthermore, Pkd2l1 in CSF-cNs contributes to maintenance of natural curvature of the spine.
Self-adaptive ultrasonic beam amplifiers: Application to transcostal shock wave therapy Robin, J., A. Simon, B. Arnal, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 17 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Ultrasound shock wave therapy is increasingly used for non-invasive surgery. It requires the focusing of very high pressure amplitude in precisely controlled focal spots. In transcostal therapy of the heart or the liver, the high impedance mismatch between the bones and surrounding tissues gives rise to strong aberrations and attenuation of the therapeutic wavefront, with potential risks of injury at the tissue-bone interface. An adaptive propagation of the ultrasonic beam through the intercostal spaces would be required. Several solutions have been developed so far, but they require a prior knowledge of the patient's anatomy or an invasive calibration process, not applicable in clinic. Here, we develop a non-invasive adaptive focusing method for ultrasound therapy through the ribcage using a time reversal cavity (TRC) acting as an ultrasonic beam amplifier. This method is based on ribcage imaging through the TRC and a projection orthogonally to the strongest identified reflectors. The focal pressure of our device was improved by up to 30% using such self-adaptive processing, without degrading the focal spots size and shape. This improvement allowed lesion formation in an Ultracal®phantom through a ribcage without invasive calibration of the device. This adaptive method could be particularly interesting to improve the efficiency and the safety of pulsed cavitational therapy of the heart or the liver.
Mots-clés: adaptive focusing; shockwave therapy; time reversal; ultrasound
In vivo laser Doppler holography of the human retina Puyo, L., M. Paques, M. Fink, J. A. Sahel, and M. Atlan Biomedical Optics Express 9, no. 9, 4113-4129 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. The eye offers a unique opportunity for the non-invasive exploration of cardiovascular diseases. Optical angiography in the retina requires sensitive measurements, which hinders conventional full-field laser Doppler imaging schemes. To overcome this limitation, we used digital holography to perform laser Doppler perfusion imaging of human retina with near-infrared light. Two imaging channels with a slow and a fast CMOS camera were used simultaneously for real-time narrowband measurements, and offline wideband measurements, respectively. The beat frequency spectrum of optical interferograms recorded with the fast (up to 75 kHz ) CMOS camera was analyzed by short-time Fourier transformation. Power Doppler images drawn from the Doppler power spectrum density qualitatively revealed blood flow in retinal vessels over 512 × 512 pixels covering 2.4 × 2.4 mm2on the retina with a temporal resolution down to 1.6 ms. The sensitivity to lateral motion as well as the requirements in terms of sampling frequency are discussed.
Layer potential approach for fast eigenvalue characterization of the Helmholtz equation with mixed boundary conditions Dupré, M., M. Fink, J. Garnier, and G. Lerosey Computational and Applied Mathematics 37, no. 4, 4675-4685 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018, SBMAC - Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional. Our goal is to propose an efficient approach to characterize the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Helmholtz equation with mixed (Dirichlet and Neumann) boundary conditions. Our approach is based on layer potentials. We extend the eigenvalue characterization known for Neumann boundary conditions to the case of mixed boundary conditions. The problem is motivated by the need of such methods for real-time wave-field shaping by electronically tunable surfaces.
Mots-clés: Boundary integral equation; Eigenvalue problem; Layer potential
Multi-scale mapping along the auditory hierarchy using high-resolution functional ultrasound in the awake ferret Bimbard, C., C. Demene, C. Girard, S. Radtke-Schuller, S. Shamma, M. Tanter, and Y. Boubenec eLife 7 (2018)
Résumé: © Bimbard et al. A major challenge in neuroscience is to longitudinally monitor whole brain activity across multiple spatial scales in the same animal. Functional UltraSound (fUS) is an emerging technology that offers images of cerebral blood volume over large brain portions. Here we show for the first time its capability to resolve the functional organization of sensory systems at multiple scales in awake animals, both within small structures by precisely mapping and differentiating sensory responses, and between structures by elucidating the connectivity scheme of top-down projections. We demonstrate that fUS provides stable (over days), yet rapid, highly-resolved 3D tonotopic maps in the auditory pathway of awake ferrets, thus revealing its unprecedented functional resolution (100/300μm). This was performed in four different brain regions, including very small (1–2 mm3size), deeply situated subcortical (8 mm deep) and previously undescribed structures in the ferret. Furthermore, we used fUS to map long-distance projections from frontal cortex, a key source of sensory response modulation, to auditory cortex.
Novel Perfluorinated Triblock Amphiphilic Copolymers for Lipid-Shelled Microbubble Stabilization Corvis, Y., S. Manta, C. Thebault, O. Couture, H. Dhotel, J. P. Michel, J. Seguin, M. Bessodes, P. Espeau, C. Pichon, C. Richard, and N. Mignet Langmuir 34, no. 33, 9744-9753 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Chemical Society. Amphiphilic triblock (Atri) copolymers made of perfluorinated alkyl chain linked to hydrocarbon chain and methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol) of three different molecular weights were synthesized. In vitro evaluation demonstrated that these new compounds were noncytotoxic. Characterization and interaction of each triblock copolymer with a branched polyamine myristoyl lipid (2-{3[bis-(3-amino-propyl)-amino]-propylamino}-N-ditetradecyl carbamoyl methyl-acetamide, DMAPAP) were studied by the Langmuir film method and thermal analysis. The triblock copolymer/cationic lipids (1:10, w/w) were mixed with perfluorobutane gas to form microbubbles (MBs). The latter were characterized by optical microscopy to get the microbubble size and concentration by densimetry to determine the amount of encapsulated gas and by ultrasound to assess oscillation properties. Atri with the lowest and intermediate weights were shown to interact with the cationic lipid DMAPAP and stabilize the Langmuir film. In that case, monodisperse microbubbles ranging from 2.3 ± 0.1 to 2.8 ± 0.1 μm were obtained. The proportion of encapsulated gas within the MB shell increased up to 3 times after the incorporation of the copolymer with the lowest and intermediate weights. Moreover, the acoustic response of the microbubbles was maintained in the presence of the copolymers.
Comb-Like Fluorophilic-Lipophilic-Hydrophilic Polymers for Nanocapsules as Ultrasound Contrast Agents Houvenagel, S., L. Moine, G. Picheth, C. Dejean, A. Brûlet, A. Chennevière, V. Faugeras, N. Huang, O. Couture, and N. Tsapis Biomacromolecules 19, no. 8, 3244-3256 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Chemical Society. Imaging the enhanced permeation and retention effect by ultrasound is hindered by the large size of commercial ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs). To obtain nanosized UCAs, triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol)-polylactide-poly(1H,1H,2H,2H-heptadecafluorodecyl methacrylate) (PEG-PLA-PFMA) with distinct numbers of perfluorinated pendant chains (5, 10, or 20) are synthesized by a combination of ring-opening polymerization and atom transfer radical polymerization. Nanocapsules (NCs) containing perfluorooctyl bromide (PFOB) intended as UCAs are obtained with a 2-fold increase in PFOB encapsulation efficiency in fluorinated NCs as compared with plain PEG-PLA NCs thanks to fluorous interactions. NC morphology is strongly influenced by the number of perfluorinated chains and the amount of polymer used for formulation, leading to peculiar capsules with several PFOB cores at high PEG-PLA-PFMA20amount and single-cored NCs with a thinner shell at low fluorinated polymer amount, as confirmed by small-angle neutron scattering. Finally, fluorinated NCs yield higher in vitro ultrasound signal compared with PEG-PLA NCs, and no in vitro cytotoxicity is induced by fluorinated polymers and their degradation products. Our results highlight the benefit of adding comb-like fluorinated blocks in PEG-PLA polymers to modify the nanostructure and enhance the echogenicity of nanocapsules intended as UCAs.
3D elastic tensor imaging in weakly transversely isotropic soft tissues Correia, M., T. Deffieux, S. Chatelin, J. Provost, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 15 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. We present herein 3D elastic tensor imaging (3D ETI), an ultrasound-based volumetric imaging technique to provide quantitative volumetric mapping of tissue elastic properties in weakly elastic anistropic media. The technique relies on (1) 4D ultrafast shear wave elastography (SWE) at very high volume rate (e.g. > 8000 Hz, depending only on the imaging depth), (2) a volumetric estimation of shear wave velocity using the eikonal equation and (3) a generalized 3D elastic tensor-based approach. 3D ETI was first evaluated using numerical simulations in homogeneous isotropic and transverse isotropic media. Results showed that 3D ETI can accurately assess tissue stiffness and tissue anisotropy in weakly transversely isotropic media (elastic fractional anisotropy coefficient < 0.34). Experimental feasibility was shown in vitro in a transverse isotropic phantom. Quantification of the elastic properties by 3D ETI was in good agreement with 2D SWE results performed at different orientations using a clinical ultrafast ultrasound scanner. 3D ETI has the potential to provide a volumetric quantitative map of tissue elastic properties in weakly transversely isotropic soft tissues within less than 20 ms of acquisition for the entire imaged volume.
Mots-clés: 3D elastic tissue characterization; 3D shear wave elastography; 3D shear wave imaging; 3D ultrasound ultrafast imaging; tissue anisotropy characterization
Photosensitive center in CdTe:Sn: Photorefractive, spectroscopic, and magneto-optical studies Shcherbin, K., S. Odoulov, F. Ramaz, D. R. Evans, and B. Briat Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 35, no. 8, 2036-2045 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. Photorefractive properties of tin-doped CdTe crystals are studied. The material demonstrates sensitivity for low-intensity recording. A one-center model of the space-charge formation perfectly describes the experimental results. The tin impurity center is characterized using the data of optical absorption and light-induced absorption spectroscopy, pseudo-3D mapping of the photoabsorption, magnetic circular dichroism, and optical detection of magnetic resonance. Spectroscopic studies confirm appropriateness of the one-center model for describing the space-charge formation with tin as a main photorefractive center. Optical ionization (neutralization) energies are estimated for phototransitions from Sn (1.14 eV) and Sn0(1.09 eV). Possible ways for improvement of the photorefractive performances are discussed.
Precise Localization of Multiple Noncooperative Objects in a Disordered Cavity by Wave Front Shaping Del Hougne, P., M. F. Imani, M. Fink, D. R. Smith, and G. Lerosey Physical Review Letters 121, no. 6 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the »https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/» Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Complicated multipath trajectories of waves in disordered cavities cause object localization to be very challenging with traditional ray-tracing approaches. Yet it is known that information about the object position is encoded in the Green's function. After a calibration step, traditional time-reversal approaches retrieve a source's location from a broadband impulse response measurement. Here, we show that a nonemitting object's scattering contribution to a reverberant medium suffices to localize the object. We demonstrate our finding in the microwave domain. Then, we further simplify the scheme by replacing the temporal degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) of the broadband measurement with spatial d.o.f. obtained from wave front shaping. A simple electronically reconfigurable reflectarray inside the cavity dynamically modulates parts of the cavity boundaries, thereby providing spatial d.o.f. The demonstrated ability to localize multiple noncooperative objects with a single-frequency scheme may have important applications for sensors in smart homes.
Classical analog of the Unruh effect Leonhardt, U., I. Griniasty, S. Wildeman, E. Fort, and M. Fink Physical Review A 98, no. 2 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. In the Unruh effect an observer with constant acceleration perceives the quantum vacuum as thermal radiation. The Unruh effect has been believed to be a pure quantum phenomenon, but here we show theoretically how the effect arises from the correlation of noise, regardless of whether this noise is quantum or classical. We demonstrate this idea with a simple experiment on water waves where we see the first indications of a Planck spectrum in the correlation energy.
Towards anti-causal Green’s function for three-dimensional sub-diffraction focusing Ma, G., X. Fan, F. Ma, J. De Rosny, P. Sheng, and M. Fink Nature Physics 14, no. 6, 608-612 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved. In causal physics, the causal Green’s function describes the radiation of a point source. Its counterpart, the anti-causal Green’s function, depicts a spherically converging wave. However, in free space, any converging wave must be followed by a diverging one. Their interference gives rise to the diffraction limit that constrains the smallest possible dimension of a wave’s focal spot in free space, which is half the wavelength. Here, we show with three-dimensional acoustic experiments that we can realize a stand-alone anti-causal Green’s function in a large portion of space up to a subwavelength distance from the focus point by introducing a near-perfect absorber for spherical waves at the focus. We build this subwavelength absorber based on membrane- type acoustic metamaterial, and experimentally demonstrate focusing of spherical waves beyond the diffraction limit.
Ultrasound localization microscopy and super-resolution: A state of the art Couture, O., V. Hingot, B. Heiles, P. Muleki-Seya, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65, no. 8, 1304-1320 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 IEEE. Because it drives the compromise between resolution and penetration, the diffraction limit has long represented an unreachable summit to conquer in ultrasound imaging. Within a few years after the introduction of optical localization microscopy, we proposed its acoustic alter ego that exploits the micrometric localization of microbubble contrast agents to reconstruct the finest vessels in the body in-depth. Various groups now working on the subject are optimizing the localization precision, microbubble separation, acquisition time, tracking, and velocimetry to improve the capacity of ultrasound localization microscopy (Ulm) to detect and distinguish vessels much smaller than the wavelength. It has since been used in vivo in the brain, the kidney, and tumors. In the clinic, Ulm is bound to improve drastically our vision of the microvasculature, which could revolutionize the diagnosis of cancer, arteriosclerosis, stroke, and diabetes.
Mots-clés: Angiography; microbubbles; super-resolution; ultrasound localization microscopy (Ulm)
Fatigue evaluation of long cortical bone using ultrasonic guided waves Bai, L., K. Xu, D. Li, D. Ta, L. H. Le, and W. Wang Journal of Biomechanics 77, 83-90 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Bone fatigue fracture is a progressive disease due to stress concentration. This study aims to evaluate the long bone fatigue damage using the ultrasonic guided waves. Two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method was employed to simulate the ultrasonic guided wave propagation in the long bone under different elastic modulus. The experiment was conducted on a 3.8 mm-thick bovine bone plate. The phase velocities of two fundamental guided modes, A1 and S1, were measured by using the axial transmission technique. Simulation shows that the phase velocities of guided modes A1 and S1 decrease with the increasing of the fatigue damage. After 20,000 cycles of fatigue loading on the bone plate, the average phase velocities of A1 and S1 modes were 6.6% and 5.3% respectively, lower than those of the intact bone. The study suggests that ultrasonic guided waves can be potentially used to evaluate the fatigue damage in long bones.
Mots-clés: Fatigue damage; Long cortical bone; Phase velocity; Ultrasonic guided waves
Sensitivity of a dielectric layered structure on a scale below the periodicity: A fully local homogenized model Maurel, A., and J. J. Marigo Physical Review B 98, no. 2 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We inspect the unusual scattering properties reported recently for structures alternating dielectric layers of subwavelength thicknesses near the critical angle for total reflection. In TE polarization, the unusual scattering properties are captured by an effective model with an accuracy less than 1% up to kd∼0.1. It is shown that the propagation is simply dispersive with local dispersion while the boundary layer effects are captured through a nonintuitive transmission condition. The resulting model involves two parameters depending only on the characteristics of the multilayer and which are given in closed forms. Besides, we show that a discrete description of the spectrum using the layer thickness d as unit of measure misses the complexity of the continuous spectrum exhibiting strong variations within the scale d. This ultrasensitivity to variations below d is attributable to strong boundary layer effects and, for large structures, to a cooperation between the boundaries and the phase accumulation within the structure.
Modeling of an active terahertz imaging system in brownout conditions Prophète, C., R. Pierrat, H. Sik, E. Kling, R. Carminati, and J. De Rosny Applied Optics 57, no. 21, 6017-6026 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. We present a theoretical evaluation of a subterahertz (subTHz) system to image through a scattering medium composed of scatterers of sizes close to the wavelength. We specifically study the case of sand grain clouds created by helicopter rotor airflow during landing in arid areas. The different powers received by one pixel of a matrix made of subTHz sensors are identified. Photometric and antenna-based sensors are considered. Besides the thermal contribution to the noise, we focus our attention on the radiation backscattered by the brownout. It appears that a configuration where the source and the camera are distant is the most promising configuration and is realistic for embedded systems.
Inside/outside the brain binary cavitation localization based on the lowpass filter effect of the skull on the harmonic content: A proof of concept study Maimbourg, G., A. Houdouin, M. Santin, S. Lehericy, M. Tanter, and J. F. Aubry Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 13 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Cavitation activity induced by ultrasound may occur during high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment, due to bubble nucleation under high peak negative pressure, and during blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption, due to injected ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs). Such microbubble activity has to be monitored to assess the safety and efficiency of ultrasonic brain treatments. In this study, we aim at assessing whether cavitation occurs within cerebral tissue by binary discriminating cavitation activity originating from the inside or the outside of the skull. The results were obtained from both in vitro experiments mimicking BBB opening, by using UCA flow, and in vitro thermal necrosis in calf brain samples. The sonication was applied using a 1 MHz focused transducer and the acoustic response of the microbubbles was recorded with a wideband passive cavitation detector. The spectral content of the recorded signal was used to localize microbubble activity. Since the skull acts as a low pass filter, the ratio of high harmonics to low harmonics is lower for cavitation events located inside the skull compared to events outside the skull. Experiments showed that the ratio of the 5/2 ultraharmonic to the 1/2 subharmonic for binary localization cavitation activity achieves 100% sensitivity and specificity for both monkey and human skulls. The harmonic ratio of the fourth to the second harmonic provided 100% sensitivity and 96% and 46% specificity on a non-human primate for thermal necrosis and BBB opening, respectively. Nonetheless, the harmonic ratio remains promising for human applications, as the experiments showed 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity for both thermal necrosis and BBB opening through the human skull. The study requires further validation on a larger number of skull samples.
Mots-clés: binary localization of cavitation; blood-brain-barrier opening; cavitation; thermal necrosis; transcranial brain therapy
An instrument for studying granular media in low-gravity environment Aumaître, S., R. P. Behringer, A. Cazaubiel, E. Clément, J. Crassous, D. J. Durian, E. Falcon, S. Fauve, D. Fischer, A. Garcimartín, Y. Garrabos, M. Hou, X. Jia, C. Lecoutre, S. Luding, D. Maza, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, T. Pöschel, J. Schockmel, M. Sperl, R. Stannarius, N. Vandewalle, and P. Yu Review of Scientific Instruments 89, no. 7 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Author(s). A new experimental facility has been designed and constructed to study driven granular media in a low-gravity environment. This versatile instrument, fully automatized, with a modular design based on several interchangeable experimental cells, allows us to investigate research topics ranging from dilute to dense regimes of granular media such as granular gas, segregation, convection, sound propagation, jamming, and rheology - all without the disturbance by gravitational stresses active on Earth. Here, we present the main parameters, protocols, and performance characteristics of the instrument. The current scientific objectives are then briefly described and, as a proof of concept, some first selected results obtained in low gravity during parabolic flight campaigns are presented.
Sparse sound field decomposition for super-resolution in recording and reproduction Koyama, S., N. Murata, and H. Saruwatari Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, no. 6, 3780-3795 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Author(s). A sound field recording and reproduction method based on sparse sound field decomposition is proposed. Most current methods are based on plane-wave or harmonic decomposition of the pressure distribution obtained by microphones, which leads to spatial aliasing artifacts with severe effects. This paper proposes a method for sound field decomposition based on a generative model of the sound field consisting of near-field source components and far-field plane-wave components. Since the distribution of the near-field source components can be assumed to be spatially sparse, the pressure distribution obtained by the microphones can be decomposed into these two components using sparse decomposition algorithms. Using the proposed method, the sound field can be more accurately interpolated and super-resolution in recording and reproduction can be achieved. Experimental results show that the reproduction accuracy above the spatial Nyquist frequency determined by the microphone intervals was improved compared with that of the current methods.
Adaptive Spatiotemporal SVD Clutter Filtering for Ultrafast Doppler Imaging Using Similarity of Spatial Singular Vectors Baranger, J., B. Arnal, F. Perren, O. Baud, M. Tanter, and C. Demene IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37, no. 7, 1574-1586 (2018)
Résumé: © 1982-2012 IEEE. Singular value decomposition of ultrafast imaging ultrasonic data sets has recently been shown to build a vector basis far more adapted to the discrimination of tissue and blood flow than the classical Fourier basis, improving by large factor clutter filtering and blood flow estimation. However, the question of optimally estimating the boundary between the tissue subspace and the blood flow subspace remained unanswered. Here, we introduce an efficient estimator for automatic thresholding of subspaces and compare it to an exhaustive list of thirteen estimators that could achieve this task based on the main characteristics of the singular components, namely the singular values, the temporal singular vectors, and the spatial singular vectors. The performance of those fourteen estimators was tested in vitro in a large set of controlled experimental conditions with different tissue motion and flow speeds on a phantom. The estimator based on the degree of resemblance of spatial singular vectors outperformed all others. Apart from solving the thresholding problem, the additional benefit with this estimator was its denoising capabilities, strongly increasing the contrast to noise ratio and lowering the noise floor by at least 5 dB. This confirms that, contrary to conventional clutter filtering techniques that are almost exclusively based on temporal characteristics, efficient clutter filtering of ultrafast Doppler imaging cannot overlook space. Finally, this estimator was applied in vivo on various organs (human brain, kidney, carotid, and thyroid) and showed efficient clutter filtering and noise suppression, improving largely the dynamic range of the obtained ultrafast power Doppler images.
Mots-clés: Blood flow; Doppler imaging; singular value decomposition; ultrafast imaging; ultrasound
Compressive acoustic holography with block-sparse regularization Fernandez-Grande, E., and L. Daudet Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, no. 6, 3737-3746 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Acoustical Society of America. Sparse reconstruction methods, such as Compressive Sensing, are powerful methods in acoustic array processing, as they make wideband reconstruction possible. However, when addressing sound fields that are not necessarily sparse (e.g., in acoustic near-fields, reflective environments, extended sources, etc.), the methods can lead to a poor reconstruction of the sound field. This study examines the use of sparse analysis priors to promote block-sparse solutions. In particular, a Fused Total Generalized Variation (F-TGV) method is developed, to analyze the sound field in the near-field of acoustic sources. The method promotes sparsity both on the spatial derivatives of the solution and on the solution itself, thus seeking solutions where the non-zero coefficients are grouped together. The performance of the method is examined numerically and experimentally, and compared with established methods. The results indicate that the F-TGV method is suitable to examine both compact and spatially extended sources. The method is promising for its generality, robustness to noise, and the capability to provide a wideband reconstruction of sound fields that are not necessarily sparse.
Polarization Control of Linear Dipole Radiation Using an Optical Nanofiber Joos, M., C. Ding, V. Loo, G. Blanquer, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati, V. Krachmalnicoff, and Q. Glorieux Physical Review Applied 9, no. 6 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We experimentally demonstrate that a linear dipole is not restricted to emit linearly polarized light, provided that it is embedded in the appropriate nanophotonic environment. We observe emission of various elliptical polarizations by a linear dipole, including circularly polarized light, without the need for birefringent components. We further show that the emitted state of polarization can theoretically span the entire Poincaré sphere. The experimental demonstration is based on elongated gold nanoparticles (nanorods) deposited on an optical nanofiber and excited by a free-space laser beam. The light directly collected in the guided mode of the nanofiber is analyzed in regard to the azimuthal position and orientation of the nanorods, observed by means of scanning electron microscopy. We demonstrate a mapping between purely geometrical degrees of freedom of a light source and all polarization states that could open the way to alternative methods for polarization control of light sources at the nanoscale.
Shaping reverberating sound fields with an actively tunable metasurface Ma, G., X. Fan, P. Sheng, and M. Fink Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, no. 26, 6638-6643 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 National Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved. A reverberating environment is a common complex medium for airborne sound, with familiar examples such as music halls and lecture theaters. The complexity of reverberating sound fields has hindered their meaningful control. Here, by combining acoustic metasurface and adaptive wavefield shaping, we demonstrate the versatile control of reverberating sound fields in a room. This is achieved through the design and the realization of a binary phase-modulating spatial sound modulator that is based on an actively reconfigurable acoustic metasurface. We demonstrate useful functionalities including the creation of quiet zones and hotspots in a typical reverberating environment.
Mots-clés: Acoustics; Metasurface; Reverberation; Wavefront shaping
Enhancing Magnetic Light Emission with All-Dielectric Optical Nanoantennas Sanz-Paz, M., C. Ernandes, J. U. Esparza, G. W. Burr, N. F. Van Hulst, A. Maitre, L. Aigouy, T. Gacoin, N. Bonod, M. F. Garcia-Parajo, S. Bidault, and M. Mivelle Nano Letters 18, no. 6, 3481-3487 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Chemical Society. Electric and magnetic optical fields carry the same amount of energy. Nevertheless, the efficiency with which matter interacts with electric optical fields is commonly accepted to be at least 4 orders of magnitude higher than with magnetic optical fields. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that properly designed photonic nanoantennas can selectively manipulate the magnetic versus electric emission of luminescent nanocrystals. In particular, we show selective enhancement of magnetic emission from trivalent europium-doped nanoparticles in the vicinity of a nanoantenna tailored to exhibit a magnetic resonance. Specifically, by controlling the spatial coupling between emitters and an individual nanoresonator located at the edge of a near-field optical scanning tip, we record with nanoscale precision local distributions of both magnetic and electric radiative local densities of states (LDOS). The map of the radiative LDOS reveals the modification of both the magnetic and electric quantum environments induced by the presence of the nanoantenna. This manipulation and enhancement of magnetic light-matter interaction by means of nanoantennas opens up new possibilities for the research fields of optoelectronics, chiral optics, nonlinear and nano-optics, spintronics, and metamaterials, among others.
Mots-clés: Dielectric and plasmonic nanoantennas; magnetic and electric LDOS; magnetic dipoles; magnetic light; near-field optical microscopy
Photon echoes in strongly scattering media: A diagrammatic approach Pierrat, R., R. Carminati, and J. L. Le Gouët Physical Review A 97, no. 6 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We study photon echo generation in disordered media with the help of multiple scattering theory based on diagrammatic approach and numerical simulations. We show that a strong correlation exists between the driving fields at the origin of the echo and the echo beam. Opening the way to a better understanding of nonlinear wave propagation in complex materials, this work supports recent experimental results with applications to the measurement of the optical dipole lifetime T2 in powders.
Airborne ultrasound surface motion camera: Application to seismocardiography Shirkovskiy, P., A. Laurin, N. Jeger-Madiot, D. Chapelle, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing Applied Physics Letters 112, no. 21 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Author(s). The recent achievements in the accelerometer-based seismocardiography field indicate a strong potential for this technique to address a wide variety of clinical needs. Recordings from different locations on the chest can give a more comprehensive observation and interpretation of wave propagation phenomena than a single-point recording, can validate existing modeling assumptions (such as the representation of the sternum as a single solid body), and provide better identifiability for models using richer recordings. Ultimately, the goal is to advance our physiological understanding of the processes to provide useful data to promote cardiovascular health. Accelerometer-based multichannel system is a contact method and laborious for use in practice, and also even ultralight accelerometers can cause non-negligible loading effects. We propose a contactless ultrasound imaging method to measure thoracic and abdominal surface motions, demonstrating that it is adequate for typical seismocardiogram (SCG) use. The developed method extends non-contact surface-vibrometry to fast 2D mapping by originally combining multi-element airborne ultrasound arrays, a synthetic aperture implementation, and pulsed-waves. Experimental results show the ability of the developed method to obtain 2D seismocardiographic maps of the body surface 30 × 40 cm 2 in dimension, with a temporal sampling rate of several hundred Hz, using ultrasound waves with the central frequency of 40 kHz. Our implementation was validated in-vivo on eight healthy human participants. The shape and position of the zone of maximal absolute acceleration and velocity during the cardiac cycle were also observed. This technology could potentially be used to obtain more complete cardio-vascular information than single-source SCG in and out of clinical environments, due to enhanced identifiability provided by the distributed measurements, and observation of propagation phenomena.
Noninvasive Imaging of the Coronary Vasculature Using Ultrafast Ultrasound Maresca, D., M. Correia, O. Villemain, A. Bizé, L. Sambin, M. Tanter, B. Ghaleh, and M. Pernot JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 11, no. 6, 798-808 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Authors Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of coronary ultrafast Doppler angiography (CUDA), a novel vascular imaging technique based on ultrafast ultrasound, to image noninvasively with high sensitivity the intramyocardial coronary vasculature and quantify the coronary blood flow dynamics. Background: Noninvasive coronary imaging techniques are currently limited to the observation of the epicardial coronary arteries. However, many studies have highlighted the importance of the coronary microcirculation and microvascular disease. Methods: CUDA was performed in vivo in open-chest procedures in 9 swine. Ultrafast plane-wave imaging at 2,000 frames/s was combined to an adaptive spatiotemporal filtering to achieve ultrahigh-sensitive imaging of the coronary blood flows. Quantification of the flow change was performed during hyperemia after a 30-s left anterior descending (LAD) artery occlusion followed by reperfusion and was compared to gold standard measurements provided by a flowmeter probe placed at a proximal location on the LAD (n = 5). Coronary flow reserve was assessed during intravenous perfusion of adenosine. Vascular damages were evaluated during a second set of experiments in which the LAD was occluded for 90 min, followed by 150 min of reperfusion to induce myocardial infarction (n = 3). Finally, the transthoracic feasibility of CUDA was assessed on 2 adult and 2 pediatric volunteers. Results: Ultrahigh-sensitive cine loops of venous and arterial intramyocardial blood flows were obtained within 1 cardiac cycle. Quantification of the coronary flow changes during hyperemia was in good agreement with gold standard measurements (r 2 = 0.89), as well as the assessment of coronary flow reserve (2.35 ± 0.65 vs. 2.28 ± 0.84; p = NS). On the infarcted animals, CUDA images revealed the presence of strong hyperemia and the appearance of abnormal coronary vessel structures in the reperfused LAD territory. Finally, the feasibility of transthoracic co ronary vasculature imaging was shown on 4 human volunteers. Conclusions: Ultrafast Doppler imaging can map the coronary vasculature with high sensitivity and quantify intramural coronary blood flow changes.
Mots-clés: angiography; blood flow; coronary; Doppler; imaging; ultrasound
Non-Gaussian Correlations between Reflected and Transmitted Intensity Patterns Emerging from Opaque Disordered Media Starshynov, I., A. M. Paniagua-Diaz, N. Fayard, A. Goetschy, R. Pierrat, R. Carminati, and J. Bertolotti Physical Review X 8, no. 2 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. The propagation of monochromatic light through a scattering medium produces speckle patterns in reflection and transmission, and the apparent randomness of these patterns prevents direct imaging through thick turbid media. Yet, since elastic multiple scattering is fundamentally a linear and deterministic process, information is not lost but distributed among many degrees of freedom that can be resolved and manipulated. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that the reflected and transmitted speckle patterns are robustly correlated, and we unravel all the complex and unexpected features of this fundamentally non-Gaussian and long-range correlation. In particular, we show that it is preserved even for opaque media with thickness much larger than the scattering mean free path, proving that information survives the multiple scattering process and can be recovered. The existence of correlations between the two sides of a scattering medium opens up new possibilities for the control of transmitted light without any feedback from the target side, but using only information gathered from the reflected speckle.
Real-time quantitative Schlieren imaging by fast Fourier demodulation of a checkered backdrop Wildeman, S. Experiments in Fluids 59, no. 6 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. A quantitative synthetic Schlieren imaging (SSI) method based on fast Fourier demodulation is presented. Instead of a random dot pattern (as usually employed in SSI), a 2D periodic pattern (such as a checkerboard) is used as a backdrop to the refractive object of interest. The range of validity and accuracy of this “Fast Checkerboard Demodulation” (FCD) method are assessed using both synthetic data and experimental recordings of patterns optically distorted by small waves on a water surface. It is found that the FCD method is at least as accurate as sophisticated, multi-stage, digital image correlation (DIC) or optical flow (OF) techniques used with random dot patterns, and it is significantly faster. Efficient, fully vectorized, implementations of both the FCD and DIC/OF schemes developed for this study are made available as open source Matlab scripts.
Dynamic Metasurface Aperture as Smart Around-the-Corner Motion Detector Del Hougne, P., M. F. Imani, T. Sleasman, J. N. Gollub, M. Fink, G. Lerosey, and D. R. Smith Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Author(s). Detecting and analysing motion is a key feature of Smart Homes and the connected sensor vision they embrace. At present, most motion sen sors operate in line-of-sight Doppler shift schemes. Here, we propose an alternative approach suitable for indoor environments, which effectively constitute disordered cavities for radio frequency (RF) waves; we exploit the fundamental sensitivity of modes of such cavities to perturbations, caused here by moving objects. We establish experimentally three key features of our proposed system: (i) ability to capture the temporal variations of motion and discern information such as periodicity ("smart"), (ii) non line-of-sight motion detection, and (iii) single-frequency operation. Moreover, we explain theoretically and demonstrate experimentally that the use of dynamic metasurface apertures can substantially enhance the performance of RF motion detection. Potential applications include accurately detecting human presence and monitoring inhabitants' vital signs.
Backscattering reduction for resonating obstacle in water-wave channel Bobinski, T., A. Maurel, P. Petitjeans, and V. Pagneux Journal of Fluid Mechanics 845, R4 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Cambridge University Press. We consider the propagation of water waves in a waveguide with a surface-piercing circular cylinder. A plane wave interacting with the cylinder leads to a Fano resonance resulting in strong scattering with a large reflection coefficient. Using a smoothly varying bathymetry whose shape is optimized, we show both numerically and experimentally that broadband and robust backscattering reduction can be obtained below the first cutoff frequency.
Mots-clés: surface gravity waves; wave scattering; waves/free-surface flows
Off-axis digital holography with multiplexed volume Bragg gratings Puyo, L., J. P. Huignard, and M. Atlan Applied Optics 57, no. 12, 3281-3287 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. We report on an optical imaging design based on common-path off-axis digital holography, using a multiplexed volume Bragg grating. In the reported method, a reference optical wave is made by deflection and spatial filtering through a volume Bragg grating. This design has several advantages, including simplicity, stability, and robustness against misalignment.
One-Shot Measurement of the Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Field Scattered by a Subwavelength Aperture Tip Coupled to the Environment Rahbany, N., I. Izeddin, V. Krachmalnicoff, R. Carminati, G. Tessier, and Y. De Wilde ACS Photonics 5, no. 4, 1539-1545 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Chemical Society. Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) achieves subwavelength resolution by bringing a nanosized probe close to the surface of the sample. This extends the spectrum of spatial frequencies that can be detected with respect to a diffraction limited microscope. The interaction of the probe with the sample is expected to affect its radiation to the far field in a way that is often hard to predict. Here we address this question by proposing a general method based on full-field off-axis digital holography microscopy which enables to study in detail the far-field radiation from a NSOM probe as a function of its environment. A first application is demonstrated by performing a three-dimensional (3D) tomographic reconstruction of light scattered from the subwavelength aperture tip of a NSOM, in free space or coupled to transparent and plasmonic media. A single holographic image recorded in one shot in the far field contains information on both the amplitude and the phase of the scattered light. This is sufficient to reverse numerically the propagation of the electromagnetic field all the way to the aperture tip. Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulations are performed to compare the experimental results with a superposition of magnetic and electric dipole radiation.
Towards a quantum time mirror for non-relativistic wave packets Reck, P., C. Gorini, A. Goussev, V. Krueckl, M. Fink, and K. Richter New Journal of Physics 20, no. 3 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. We propose a method - a quantum time mirror (QTM) - for simulating a partial time-reversal of the free-space motion of a non-relativistic quantum wave packet. The method is based on a short-time spatially homogeneous perturbation to the wave packet dynamics, achieved by adding a nonlinear time-dependent term to the underlying Schrödinger equation. Numerical calculations, supporting our analytical considerations, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QTM for generating a time-reversed echo image of initially localized matter-wave packets in one and two spatial dimensions. We also discuss possible experimental realizations of the proposed QTM.
Mots-clés: matter waves; nonlinear Schrdinger equation; quantum scattering; quantum time mirrors; quantum wave packets
An in silico framework to analyze the anisotropic shear wave mechanics in cardiac shear wave elastography Caenen, A., M. Pernot, M. Peirlinck, L. Mertens, A. Swillens, and P. Segers Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 7 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Shear wave elastography (SWE) is a potential tool to non-invasively assess cardiac muscle stiffness. This study focused on the effect of the orthotropic material properties and mechanical loading on the performance of cardiac SWE, as it is known that these factors contribute to complex 3D anisotropic shear wave propagation. To investigate the specific impact of these complexities, we constructed a finite element model with an orthotropic material law subjected to different uniaxial stretches to simulate SWE in the stressed cardiac wall. Group and phase speed were analyzed in function of tissue thickness and virtual probe rotation angle. Tissue stretching increased the group and phase speed of the simulated shear wave, especially in the direction of the muscle fiber. As the model provided access to the true fiber orientation and material properties, we assessed the accuracy of two fiber orientation extraction methods based on SWE. We found a higher accuracy (but lower robustness) when extracting fiber orientations based on the location of maximal shear wave speed instead of the angle of the major axis of the ellipsoidal group speed surface. Both methods had a comparable performance for the center region of the cardiac wall, and performed less well towards the edges. Lastly, we also assessed the (theoretical) impact of pathology on shear wave physics and characterization in the model. It was found that SWE was able to detect changes in fiber orientation and material characteristics, potentially associated with cardiac pathologies such as myocardial fibrosis. Furthermore, the model showed clearly altered shear wave patterns for the fibrotic myocardium compared to the healthy myocardium, which forms an initial but promising outcome of this modeling study.
Mots-clés: anisotropy; finite element method; group velocity analysis; heart; phase velocity analysis; shear wave elastography
Dispersion-free control of hydroelastic waves down to sub-wavelength scale Domino, L., M. Fermigier, E. Fort, and A. Eddi EPL 121, no. 1 (2018)
Résumé: © CopyrightEPLA, 2018. Hydroelastic surface waves propagate at the surface of water covered by a thin elastic sheet and can be directly measured with accurate space and time resolution. We present an experimental approach using hydroelastic waves that allows us to control waves down to the sub-wavelength scale. We tune the wave dispersion relation by varying locally the properties of the elastic cover and we introduce a local index contrast. This index contrast is independent of the frequency leading to a dispersion-free Snell-Descartes law for hydroelastic waves. We then show experimental evidence of broadband focusing, reflection and refraction of the waves. We also investigate the limits of diffraction through the example of a macroscopic analog to optical nanojets, revealing that any sub-wavelength configuration gives access to new features for surface waves.
Slowdown of surface diffusion during early stages of bacterial colonization Vourc', T. h, H. Peerhossaini, J. Léopoldès, A. Méjean, F. Chauvat, and C. Cassier-Chauvat Physical Review E 97, no. 3 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We study the surface diffusion of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 during the incipient stages of cell contact with a glass surface in the dilute regime. We observe a twitching motility with alternating immobile tumble and mobile run periods, resulting in a normal diffusion described by a continuous-time random walk with a coefficient of diffusion D. Surprisingly, D is found to decrease with time down to a plateau. This is observed only when the cyanobacterial cells are able to produce released extracellular polysaccharides, as shown by a comparative study between the wild-type strain and various polysaccharides-depleted mutants. The analysis of the trajectories taken by the bacterial cells shows that the temporal characteristics of their intermittent motion depend on the instantaneous fraction of visited sites during diffusion. This describes quantitatively the time dependence of D, related to the progressive surface coverage by the polysaccharides. The observed slowdown of the surface diffusion may constitute a basic precursor mechanism for microcolony formation and provides clues for controlling biofilm formation.
Towards real-time assessment of anisotropic plate properties using elastic guided waves Bochud, N., J. Laurent, F. Bruno, D. Royer, and C. Prada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, no. 2, 1138-1147 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Acoustical Society of America. A method to recover the elastic properties, thickness, or orientation of the principal symmetry axes of anisotropic plates is presented. This method relies on the measurements of multimode guided waves, which are launched and detected in arbitrary directions along the plate using a multi-element linear transducer array driven by a programmable electronic device. A model-based inverse problem solution is proposed to optimally recover the properties of interest. The main contribution consists in defining an objective function built from the dispersion equation, which allows accounting for higher-order modes without the need to pair each experimental data point to a specific guided mode. This avoids the numerical calculation of the dispersion curves and errors in the mode identification. Compared to standard root-finding algorithms, the computational gain of the procedure is estimated to be on the order of 200. The objective function is optimized using genetic algorithms, which allow identifying from a single out-of-symmetry axis measurement the full set of anisotropic elastic coefficients and either the plate thickness or the propagation direction. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated using data measured on materials with different symmetry classes. Excellent agreement is found between the reported estimates and reference values from the literature.
Functional ultrasound neuroimaging: a review of the preclinical and clinical state of the art Deffieux, T., C. Demene, M. Pernot, and M. Tanter Current Opinion in Neurobiology 50, 128-135 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 In the last decade, ultrasound imaging has gained new capabilities and produced new insights in the field of neuroscience. The development of new concepts, such as ultrafast ultrasound, has enhanced Doppler sensitivity by orders of magnitude and has paved the way for ultrasonic functional neuroimaging. In this review, we position ultrasound in the field of neuroimaging and discuss how it complements current tools available to neurobiologists and clinicians.
Mutual Information between Reflected and Transmitted Speckle Images Fayard, N., A. Goetschy, R. Pierrat, and R. Carminati Physical Review Letters 120, no. 7 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 American Physical Society. We study theoretically the mutual information between reflected and transmitted speckle patterns produced by wave scattering from disordered media. The mutual information between the two speckle images recorded on an array of N detection points (pixels) takes the form of long-range intensity correlation loops that we evaluate explicitly as a function of the disorder strength and the Thouless number g. Our analysis, supported by extensive numerical simulations, reveals a competing effect of cross-sample and surface spatial correlations. An optimal distance between pixels is proven to exist that enhances the mutual information by a factor Ng compared to the single-pixel scenario.
Spatiotemporal matrix image formation for programmable ultrasound scanners Berthon, B., P. Morichau-Beauchant, J. Porée, A. Garofalakis, B. Tavitian, M. Tanter, and J. Provost Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 3 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. As programmable ultrasound scanners become more common in research laboratories, it is increasingly important to develop robust software-based image formation algorithms that can be obtained in a straightforward fashion for different types of probes and sequences with a small risk of error during implementation. In this work, we argue that as the computational power keeps increasing, it is becoming practical to directly implement an approximation to the matrix operator linking reflector point targets to the corresponding radiofrequency signals via thoroughly validated and widely a vailable simulations software. Once such a spatiotemporal forward-problem matrix is constructed, standard and thus highly optimized inversion procedures can be leveraged to achieve very high quality images in real time. Specifically, we show that spatiotemporal matrix image formation produces images of similar or enhanced quality when compared against standard delay-and-sum approaches in phantoms and in vivo, and show that this approach can be used to form images even when using non-conventional probe designs for which adapted image formation algorithms are not readily available.
Mots-clés: beamforming; image formation; ultrafast ultrasound imaging
Simultaneous positron emission tomography and ultrafast ultrasound for hybrid molecular, anatomical and functional imaging Provost, J., A. Garofalakis, J. Sourdon, D. Bouda, B. Berthon, T. Viel, M. Perez-Liva, C. Lussey-Lepoutre, J. Favier, M. Correia, M. Pernot, J. Chiche, J. Pouysségur, M. Tanter, and B. Tavitian Nature Biomedical Engineering 2, no. 2, 85-94 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 The Author(s). Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) is the most sensitive molecular imaging modality, but it does not easily allow for rapid temporal acquisition. Ultrafast ultrasound imaging (UUI)-a recently introduced technology based on ultrasonic holography-leverages frame rates of up to several thousand images per second to quantitatively map, at high resolution, haemodynamic, biomechanical, electrophysiological and structural parameters. Here, we describe a pre-clinical scanner that registers PET-CT and UUI volumes acquired simultaneously and offers multiple combinations for imaging. We demonstrate that PET-CT-UUI allows for simultaneous images of the vasculature and metabolism during tumour growth in mice and rats, as well as for synchronized multi-modal cardiac cine-loops. Combined anatomical, functional and molecular imaging with PET-CT-UUI represents a high-performance and clinically translatable technology for biomedical research.
Testicular ultrasensitive Doppler preliminary experience: a feasibility study Rocher, L., J. L. Gennisson, S. Ferlicot, A. Criton, L. Albiges, V. Izard, M. F. Bellin, and J. M. Correas Acta Radiologica 59, no. 3, 346-354 (2018)
Résumé: © 2017, © The Foundation Acta Radiologica 2017. Background: Ultrasensitive Doppler is a novel non-invasive ultrasound (US) Doppler technique that improves sensitivity and resolution for the detection of slow flow. Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of ultrasensitive Doppler (USD) for testicular disease diagnosis, using both qualitative and quantitative results. Material and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in 160 successive men referred for scrotal US including B-mode and conventional Color-Doppler. A new USD sequence and algorithm dedicated to academic research were implemented into the US system. The quality criterion for a successful examination was the detection of well delineated intratesticular vessels. Qualitative USD results were described in terms of tumor vascular architecture and flow intensity for different pathologies for 41 patients. The testicular vascularization (TV), defined as a vessel’s surface ratio, was quantified using customized MATLAB® software and compared in azoospermic and normal patients. Results: USD was acquired successfully in 153/160 patients (95.6%). The tumor vascular architecture differed depending on the nature of the tumors. Leydig cell tumors exhibited mostly circumferential vascularization, while germ cell tumors exhibited straight vessels through the tumors, or anarchic vascular maps. USD improved the diagnostic performance of testicular Doppler US in a case of incomplete spermatic cord torsion and acute epididymitis. The reproducibility of TV measurements established an interclass correlation of 0.801. Non-Klinefelter syndrome non-obstructive azoospermia patients exhibited a lower TV compared to normal patients, to Klinefelter syndrome, and to obstructive azoospermia patients (P < 0.002, P < 0.005, and P < 0.05, respectively). Conclusion: Testicular USD can become a promising technique for improving US diagnosis of tumors, acute scrotum, and for determining infertility status.
Mots-clés: acute scrotum; male infertility; testicular tumors; Ultrafast imaging; ultrasensitive Doppler
Multiple scattering of an ultrasonic shock wave in bubbly media Lombard, O., N. Viard, V. Leroy, and C. Barrière European Physical Journal E 41, no. 2 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018, EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Abstract.: This experimental study deals with the propagation of an ultrasonic shock wave in a random heterogeneous medium, constituted of identical 75μm radius bubbles, trapped in a yield-stress fluid. The fundamental frequency of the incident wave (in the MHz range) was much larger than the resonance frequency of bubbles (38kHz). A well-expanded coda, resulting from the multiple scattering of the incident shock wave through the heterogeneous medium, was experimentally measured in transmission. Despite the significant amplitude of the shock wave (90kPa), no sign of nonlinear response of the bubbles was detected. Both the coherent and incoherent fields were successfully described by linear theories. Using a shock wave presents the advantage of characterizing the medium over a large frequency range (1.5-15MHz). Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].
Mots-clés: Soft Matter: Self-organisation and Supramolecular Assemblies
Two-color interpolation of the absorption response for quantitative acousto-optic imaging Bocoum, M., J. L. Gennisson, C. Venet, M. Chi, P. M. Petersen, A. A. Grabar, and F. Ramaz Optics Letters 43, no. 3, 399-402 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Optical Society of America. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is a reliable and widespread technique for monitoring qualitative changes in absorption inside highly scattering media. It has been shown, however, that acousto-optic (AO) imaging can provide significantly more qualitative information without the need for inversion algorithms due to the spatial resolution afforded by ultrasound probing. In this Letter, we show how, by using multiple-wavelength AO imaging, it is also possible to perform quantitative measurements of absorber concentration inside scattering media.
Elastic wave generated by granular impact on rough and erodible surfaces Bachelet, V., A. Mangeney, J. De Rosny, R. Toussaint, and M. Farin Journal of Applied Physics 123, no. 4 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Author(s). The elastic waves generated by impactors hitting rough and erodible surfaces are studied. For this purpose, beads of variable materials, diameters, and velocities are dropped on (i) a smooth PMMA plate, (ii) stuck glass beads on the PMMA plate to create roughness, and (iii) the rough plate covered with layers of free particles to investigate erodible beds. The Hertz model validity to describe impacts on a smooth surface is confirmed. For rough and erodible surfaces, an empirical scaling law that relates the elastic energy to the radius R b and normal velocity V z of the impactor is deduced from experimental data. In addition, the radiated elastic energy is found to decrease exponentially with respect to the bed thickness. Lastly, we show that the variability of the elastic energy among shocks increases from some percents to 70% between smooth and erodible surfaces. This work is a first step to better quantify seismic emissions of rock impacts in natural environment, in particular on unconsolidated soils.
Gold nanoparticles in cardiovascular imaging Varna, M., H. V. Xuan, and E. Fort Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 10, no. 1 (2018)
Résumé: © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Although originally applied in the field of oncology, recent results have illustrated the considerable potential of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) in the imaging of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). CVDs represent the leading cause of mortality and disability in the world. The principal cause underpinning CVDs is atherosclerosis, which develops into mid and large blood vessels, often leading to severe complications. Thanks to their unique physicochemical properties, GNPs have drawn much attention from the research community in cardiovascular imaging. Thus, the optical properties of GNPs have led to their utilization as contrast agents for optical or X-ray imaging modalities allowing the detection of atherosclerotic plaques, intravascular thrombus, or fibrotic tissue. In this study, we detail the most promising preclinical scientific progresses based on the use of GNPs for imaging in cardiovascular field and their improvements for a potential clinical application. WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2018, 10:e1470. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1470. This article is categorized under: Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Emerging Technologies Diagnostic Tools > In Vivo Nanodiagnostics and Imaging Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Nanomedicine for Cardiovascular Disease.
3D-printed adaptive acoustic lens as a disruptive technology for transcranial ultrasound therapy using single-element transducers Maimbourg, G., A. Houdouin, T. Deffieux, M. Tanter, and J. F. Aubry Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, no. 2 (2018)
Résumé: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. The development of multi-element arrays for better control of the shape of ultrasonic beams has opened the way for focusing through highly aberrating media, such as the human skull. As a result, the use of brain therapy with transcranial-focused ultrasound has rapidly grown. Although effective, such technology is expensive. We propose a disruptive, low-cost approach that consists of focusing a 1 MHz ultrasound beam through a human skull with a single-element transducer coupled with a tailored silicone acoustic lens cast in a 3D-printed mold and designed using computed tomography-based numerical acoustic simulation. We demonstrate on N = 3 human skulls that adding lens-based aberration correction to a single-element transducer increases the deposited energy on the target 10 fold.
Mots-clés: focused ultrasound; patient-specific acoustic lens; single-element transducer; transcranial therapy
Assessment of biopsy-proven liver fibrosis by two-dimensional shear wave elastography: An individual patient data-based meta-analysis Herrmann, E., V. De Lédinghen, C. Cassinotto, W. C. W. Chu, V. Y. F. Leung, G. Ferraioli, C. Filice, L. Castera, V. Vilgrain, M. Ronot, J. Dumortier, A. Guibal, S. Pol, J. Trebicka, C. Jansen, C. Strassburg, R. Zheng, J. Zheng, S. Francque, T. Vanwolleghem, L. Vonghia, E. K. Manesis, P. Zoumpoulis, I. Sporea, M. Thiele, A. Krag, C. Cohen-Bacrie, A. Criton, J. Gay, T. Deffieux, and M. Friedrich-Rust Hepatology 67, no. 1, 260-272 (2018)
Résumé: © 2017 The Authors. Hepatology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE) has proven to be efficient for the evaluation of liver fibrosis in small to moderate-sized clinical trials. We aimed at running a larger-scale meta-analysis of individual data. Centers which have worked with Aixplorer ultrasound equipment were contacted to share their data. Retrospective statistical analysis used direct and paired receiver operating characteristic and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) analyses, accounting for random effects. Data on both 2D-SWE and liver biopsy were available for 1,134 patients from 13 sites, as well as on successful transient elastography in 665 patients. Most patients had chronic hepatitis C (n = 379), hepatitis B (n = 400), or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (n = 156). AUROCs of 2D-SWE in patients with hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease were 86.3%, 90.6%, and 85.5% for diagnosing significant fibrosis and 92.9%, 95.5%, and 91.7% for diagnosing cirrhosis, respectively. The AUROC of 2D-SWE was 0.022-0.084 (95% confidence interval) larger than the AUROC of transient elastography for diagnosing significant fibrosis (P = 0.001) and 0.003-0.034 for diagnosing cirrhosis (P = 0.022) in all patients. This difference was strongest in hepatitis B patients. Conclusion: 2D-SWE has good to excellent performance for the noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis B; further prospective studies are needed for head-to-head comparison between 2D-SWE and other imaging modalities to establish disease-specific appropriate cutoff points for assessment of fibrosis stage. (Hepatology 2018;67:260-272).
Determination of the bottom deformation from space- and time-resolved water wave measurements Cobelli, P. J., P. Petitjeans, A. Maurel, and V. Pagneux Journal of Fluid Mechanics 835, 301-326 (2018)
Résumé: © 2017 Cambridge University Press. In this paper we study both theoretically and experimentally the inverse problem of indirectly measuring the shape of a localized bottom deformation with a non-instantaneous time evolution, from either an instantaneous global state (space-based inversion) or a local time-history record (time-based inversion) of the free-surface evolution. Firstly, the mathematical inversion problem is explicitly defined and uniqueness of its solution is established. We then show that this problem is ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard, rendering its solution unstable. In order to overcome this difficulty, we introduce a regularization scheme as well as a strategy for choosing the optimal value of the associated regularization parameter. We then conduct a series of laboratory experiments in which an axisymmetric three-dimensional bottom deformation of controlled shape and time evolution is imposed on a layer of water of constant depth, initially at rest. The detailed evolution of the air-liquid interface is measured by means of a free-surface profilometry technique providing space- and time-resolved data. Based on these experimental data and employing our regularization scheme, we are able to show that it is indeed possible to reconstruct the seabed profile responsible for the linear free-surface dynamics either by space- or time-based inversions. Furthermore, we discuss the different relative advantages of each type of reconstruction, their associated errors and the limitations of the inverse determination.
Mots-clés: surface gravity waves; waves/free-surface flows
Effect of microstructural elongation on backscattered field: Intensity measurement and multiple scattering estimation with a linear transducer array Baelde, A., J. Laurent, P. Millien, R. Coulette, W. B. Khalifa, F. Jenson, F. Sun, M. Fink, and C. Prada Ultrasonics 82, 379-389 (2018)
Résumé: © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The effect of microstructural elongation on ultrasonic backscattered fields was studied. Two methods for determining the elongation direction of macrozones in titanium alloys, using the anisotropic spatial coherence of the backscattered field, are presented. Both methods use a phased array attached on a rotative holder that records the array response matrix at several angles. Two titanium alloys were investigated: TA6V and Ti17. TA6V exhibited a strong macrozone elongation, whereas Ti17 macrozones were found equiaxial. The first method is based on the measurement of backscattered intensity in function of the probe angle relative to the macrozones elongation direction. An angular dependence of backscattered intensity is observed in presence of elongated scatterers, and their elongation direction is collinear with the probe direction corresponding to a minimal intensity. This variability is linked to both piezoelectric shape and the backscattered field spatial properties. The second method is based on the measurement of the relative proportion of single to multiple scattering in a diffusive media, using a simplified version of the single scattering filter developed in Aubry and Derode (2009). It allows the measurement of the level of multiple scattering: both titanium alloys exhibited strong multiple scattering. The elongation direction was determined as the direction of minimal multiple scattering. Furthermore, these results were confirmed by the measurement of the coherent backscattering cone on both samples.