Talk slides

The organization committee thanks all the lecturers and the participants who came to "Recent Developments in Wave Physics of Complex Media" summer school.

All the participants (click here for a high resolution picture)

The lectures (J. Pendry and P. Lalanne are not on the picture)

Slides of the speakers

Lecturer Title
Pr. Eric Akkermans Waves in mesoscopic complex media : Scattering, noise and information capacity
Pr. Claude Boccara Recent Advances in Optics
Pr. Hui Cao Random Laser, Bio-Inspired
Laser & Time-Reversed Laser
Pr. Nader Engheta IR Metatronics and Graphene Metamaterials
Pr. Mathias Fink Time Reversal in Complex Media
Pr. Azriel Genack Modes and transmission eigenchannels in the photon localization transition
Pr. Philippe Lalanne Slow light propagation in photonic-crystal waveguides
Pr. Georg Maret Diffusive Wave Spectroscopy
Dr. Allard Mosk Imperfect disordered optics
Pr. John Page Anderson Localization of Ultrasonic Waves
Pr. John Pendry Transformation Optics at Optical Frequencies
Dr. Claire Prada Remarkable properties of elastic guided modes
Pr. José Sánchez-Dehesa Acoustic metamaterials with anisotropic dynamical mass density
Dr. Patrick Sebbah Random Lasing and nonlinear phenomena in disordered media
Dr. Anne Sentenac High Resolution Imaging in Optics
Pr. Ping Sheng Dynamic Mass Density and Acoustic Metamaterials
Pr. Changhuei Yang Optical phase conjugation and scattering correction

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