– B. Gérardin, J. Laurent, F. Legrand, C. Prada, A. Aubry, Negative reflection of elastic waves in complex environments, arXiv:1710.06150, 2017
– A. Badon, A. C. Boccara, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. Aubry, Multiple scattering limit in optical microscopy, Opt. Exp. 25, 28914-28934, 2017 - arXiv:1709.03386
– A. Badon, D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, A. Aubry, Smart optical coherence tomography for ultra-deep imaging through highly scattering media, Sci. Adv. 2, e1600370, 2016 - arXiv:1510.08613
– A. Badon, D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, A. Aubry, Spatio-Temporal Imaging of Light Transport in Highly Scattering Media under White Light Illumination, Optica 3, 1160-1166, 2016 - arXiv:1606.06046
– B. Gérardin, J. Laurent, P. Ambichl, C. Prada, S. Rotter, A. Aubry, Particlelike wave packets in complex scattering systems, Phys. Rev. B 94, 014209, 2016 -arXiv:1602.05812
– L. A. Cobus, S. E. Skipetrov, A. Aubry, B. A. van Tiggelen, A. Derode, J. H. Page, Anderson mobility gap probed by dynamic coherent backscattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 193901, 2016 - arXiv:1510.05587
– B. Gérardin, J. Laurent, C. Prada, A. Aubry, Negative reflection of Lamb waves at a free edge : Tunable focusing and mimicking phase conjugation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 591, 2016 - arXiv:1604.01321
– A. Badon, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, A. Aubry, Retrieving time-dependent Green’s functions in optics with low-coherence interferometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 023901, 2015 - arXiv:1407.0852
– C. Trottier, S. Shahjahan, A. Schumm, A. Aubry, A. Derode, Multiple Scattering Filter : Application to the Plane Defect Detection in a Nickel Alloy, Physics Procedia 70, 795-798, 2015
– B. Gérardin, J. Laurent, A. Derode, C. Prada, A. Aubry, Full Transmission and Reflection of Waves Propagating through a Maze of Disorder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 173901, 2014 - arXiv:1404.2092
– S. Shahjahan, A. Aubry, F. Rupin, B. Chassignole, A. Derode, A random matrix approach to detect defects in a strongly scattering polycrystal : how the memory effect can help overcome multiple scattering, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 234105, 2014 - arXiv:1405.6526
– A. Aubry, L. A. Cobus, S.E. Skipetrov, B.A. van Tiggelen, A. Derode, and J.H. Page, Recurrent scattering and memory effect at the Anderson localization transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043903, 2014 - arxiv 1306.2762
– S. Shahjahan, F. Rupin, A. Aubry, B. Chassignole, T. Fouquet, A. Derode, Comparison between experimental and 2-D numerical studies of multiple scattering in Inconel600® by means of array probes, Ultrasonics 54, 358-367, 2014
– A. Aubry and J.B. Pendry, Transformation Optics for Plasmonics, Chapter in Active Plasmonics and
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– S. Shahjahan, A. Aubry, F. Rupin, B. Chassignole, and A. Derode, Reduction of ultrasonic multiple scattering applied to flaw detection with array probes in polycrystalline materials, POMA 19, 045039, 2013
– S. Shahjahan, A. Aubry, F. Rupin, B. Chassignole, and A. Derode, Parametrical study of flaw detection in polycrystalline materials by reducing the multiple scattering contribution, Rev. Prog. Quant. Nondestr. Eval.,
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– J.B. Pendry, A. Aubry, D.S. Smith and S.A. Maier, Transformation optics and subwavelength control of
light, Science 337, 549-552, 2012
– S.M. Popoff, A. Aubry, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A.C. Boccara and S. Gigan, Exploiting the time-reversal operator for adaptive optics, selective focusing, and scattering pattern analysis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 263901, 2011- arXiv:1108.2449
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, Multiple scattering of ultrasound in weakly inhomogeneous media : Application to human soft tissues, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 225—234, 2011
– A. Aubry, D.Y. Lei, S.A. Maier and J.B. Pendry , Plasmonic hybridization between nanowires and a metallic
surface : A transformation optics approach, ACS Nano 5, 3293-3308, 2011
– D. Y. Lei, A. Aubry, Y. Luo, S. A. Maier and J. B. Pendry, Plasmonic interaction between overlapping nanowires, ACS Nano, 5, 597-607, 2011
– Y. Luo, A. Aubry and J.B. Pendry , Electromagnetic contribution to surface-enhanced Raman scattering
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– A. Aubry, D.Y. Lei, S.A. Maier and J.B. Pendry, Interaction between plasmonic nanoparticles revisited with transformation optics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 233901, 2010 - Nature Materials 10, 82, 2011, Research Highlights
– A. Aubry, D.Y. Lei, A.I. Fernandez-Dominguez, Y. Sonnefraud, S.A. Maier and J.B. Pendry, Plasmonic light harvesting devices over the whole visible spectrum, Nano Lett. 10, 2574-2579, 2010 - Nature Materials 9, 534, 2010, Research Highlights
– A. Aubry, D. Y. Lei, S. A. Maier and J. B. Pendry, Conformal transformation applied to plasmonics beyond the quasistatic limit, Phys. Rev. B 82, 205109, 2010
– A. Aubry, D. Y. Lei, S. A. Maier and J. B. Pendry, Broadband plasmonic device concentrating the energy at the nanoscale : The crescent-shaped cylinder, Phys. Rev. B 82, 125430, 2010
– A. Aubry, J.B. Pendry, Mimicking a negative refractive slab by combining two phase conjugators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, 72-84, 2010
– Y. Luo, J. B. Pendry and A. Aubry, Surface plasmons and singularities, Nano Lett. 10, 4186-4191, 2010
– D. Y. Lei, A. Aubry, S. A. Maier and J. B. Pendry, Broadband nano-focusing of light using kissing nanowires,
New J. Phys. 12, 093030, 2010
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, Singular value distribution of the propagation matrix in random scattering media, Waves Random Complex Media 20, 333-363, 2010 - arXiv:0904.0161
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, Random matrix theory applied to acoustic backscattering and imaging in complex
media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 084301, 2009
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, Detection and imaging in a random medium : A matrix method to overcome multiple
scattering and aberration, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 044903, 2009 - arXiv:0906.0532
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, F. Padilla, Local measurements of the diffusion constant in multiple scattering media : Application to human trabecular bone imaging, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 124101, 2008
– A. Aubry, A. Derode., Ultrasonic imaging of highly scattering media from local measurements of the diffusion constant : Separation of coherent and incoherent intensities, Phys. Rev. E 75, 026602, 2007
– A. Aubry, A. Derode, P. Roux, A. Tourin, Coherent backscattering and far-field beamforming in acoustics, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 70-77, 2007
– C. Prada, J. De Rosny, D. Clorennec, J.G. Minonzio, A. Aubry, M. Fink et al., Experimental detection and focusing in shallow water by decomposition of the Time Reversal Operator, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 761-768, 2007
– A. Aubry, J. de Rosny, J.G. Minonzio, C. Prada, M. Fink, Gaussian beams and Legendre polynomials as invariants of the time reversal operator for a large rigid cylinder, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 2746-2754, 2006
– J.G. Minonzio, C. Prada, A. Aubry, M. Fink, Multiple scattering between two elastic cylinders and invariants of the time-reversal operator : Theory and experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 875-883, 2006