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Courriel : Arnaud.Derode (arobase)

Physique des ondes ultrasonores dans les milieux complexes

  • Caractérisation de milieux hétérogènes réels ou synthétiques en régime de diffusion multiple
  • Réversibilité et réciprocité de la propagation en milieux complexes
  • Corrélations spatiales temporelles et fréquentielles des ondes multiplement diffusées, application à l’"imagerie passive" et la géophysique
  • Propagation cohérente multi-modale en désordre corrélé
  • Transition cohérence-incohérence et transfert radiatif des ultrasons
  • Matrices aléatoires pour la caractérisation et l’imagerie de milieux hétérogènes diffusants


Reflection Measurement of the Scattering Mean Free Path at the Onset of Multiple Scattering
Goïcoechea, A., C. Brütt, A. Le Ber, F. Bureau, W. Lambert, C. Prada, A. Derode, and A. Aubry
Physical Review Letters 133, no. 17 (2024)
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Weight of single and recurrent scattering in the reflection matrix of complex media
Brütt, C., A. Aubry, B. Gérardin, A. Derode, and C. Prada
Physical Review E 106, no. 2 (2022)
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A distortion matrix framework for high-resolution passive seismic 3-D imaging: Application to the San Jacinto fault zone, California
Touma, R., T. Blondel, A. Derode, M. Campillo, and A. Aubry
Geophysical Journal International 226, no. 2, 780-794 (2021)
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Matrix Approach of Seismic Imaging: Application to the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
Blondel, T., J. Chaput, A. Derode, M. Campillo, and A. Aubry
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, no. 12, 10,936-10,950 (2018)
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Dynamic coherent backscattering of ultrasound in three-dimensional strongly-scattering media
Cobus, L. A., B. A. Tiggelen, A. Derode, and J. H. Page
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 226, no. 7, 1549-1561 (2017)
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Evaluation of a multiple scattering filter to enhance defect detection in heterogeneous media
Shahjahan, S., F. Rupin, A. Aubry, and A. Derode
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, no. 1, 624-640 (2017)
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Radiative transfer of acoustic waves in continuous complex media: Beyond the Helmholtz equation
Baydoun, I., D. Baresch, R. Pierrat, and A. Derode
Physical Review E 94, no. 5 (2016)
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Anderson Mobility Gap Probed by Dynamic Coherent Backscattering
Cobus, L. A., S. E. Skipetrov, A. Aubry, B. A. Van Tiggelen, A. Derode, and J. H. Page
Physical Review Letters 116, no. 19 (2016)
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Experimental observation of ultrasound fast and slow waves through three-dimensional printed trabecular bone phantoms
Mézière, F., P. Juskova, J. Woittequand, M. Muller, E. Bossy, L. Malaquin, A. Derode, and R. Boistel
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, no. 2, EL13-EL18 (2016)
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Scattering mean free path in continuous complex media: Beyond the Helmholtz equation
Baydoun, I., D. Baresch, R. Pierrat, and A. Derode
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 92, no. 3 (2015)
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Measurements of ultrasonic diffusivity and transport speed from coda waves in a resonant multiple scattering medium
Viard, N., and A. Derode
Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 138, no. 1, 134-145 (2015)
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Comparison between experimental and 2-D numerical studies of multiple scattering in Inconel600® by means of array probes
Shahjahan, S., F. Rupin, A. Aubry, B. Chassignole, F. Fouquet, and A. Derode
Ultrasonics 54, 358-367 (2014)
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A random matrix approach to detect defects in a strongly scattering polycrystal : how the memory effect can help overcome multiple scattering
Shahjahan, S., A. Aubry, F. Rupin, B. Chassignole, and A. Derode
Applied Physics Letters 104, 234105 (2014)
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Full Transmission and Reflection of Waves Propagating through a Maze of Disorder
Gerardin, B., J. Laurent, A. Derode, C. Prada, and A. Aubry
Physical Review Letters 113, no. 17 (2014)
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Recurrent Scattering and Memory Effect at the Anderson Localization Transition
Aubry, A., L. A. Cobus, S. E. Skipetrov, B. A. Van Tiggelen, A. Derode, and J. H. Page
Physical Review Letters 112, no. 4 (2014)
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Frequency-resolved measurements of the diffusion constant for ultrasonic waves in resonant multiple scattering media.
Viard, N., and A. Derode
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, no. 5, 3374 (2013)
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Coherent transmission of an ultrasonic shock wave through a multiple scattering medium
Viard, N., B. Giammarinaro, A. Derode, and C. Barrière
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88, no. 2 (2013)
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Measurements of ultrasound velocity and attenuation in numerical anisotropic porous media compared to Biot's and multiple scattering models
Mézière, F., M. Muller, E. Bossy, and A. Derode
Ultrasonics 54, no. 5, 1146-1154 (2014)
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Characterisation of ultrasonic structural noise in multiple scattering media using phased arrays
Bedetti, T., V. Dorval, F. Jenson, and A. Derode
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 457 (2013)
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Simulations of ultrasound propagation in random arrangements of elliptic scatterers: Occurrence of two longitudinal waves
Mézière, F., M. Muller, B. Dobigny, E. Bossy, and A. Derode
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, no. 2, 643-652 (2013)
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Multiple scattering of ultrasound in weakly inhomogeneous media: Application to human soft tissues
Aubry, A., and A. Derode
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, no. 1, 225-233 (2011)
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Singular value distribution of the propagation matrix in random scattering media
Aubry, A., and A. Derode
Waves in Random and Complex Media 20, no. 3, 333-363 (2010)
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Detection and imaging in a random medium: A matrix method to overcome multiple scattering and aberration
Aubry, A., and A. Derode
Journal of Applied Physics 106, no. 4 (2009)
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Random matrix theory applied to acoustic backscattering and imaging in complex media
Aubry, A., and A. Derode
Physical Review Letters 102, no. 8 (2009)
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Fluctuations of correlations and Green's function reconstruction: Role of scattering
Larose, E., P. Roux, M. Campillo, and A. Derode
Journal of Applied Physics 103, no. 11 (2008)
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Temperature-dependent diffusing acoustic wave spectroscopy with resonant scatterers
Leroy, V., and A. Derode
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77, no. 3 (2008)
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Ultrasonic imaging of highly scattering media from local measurements of the diffusion constant: Separation of coherent and incoherent intensities
Aubry, A., and A. Derode
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75, no. 2 (2007)
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Coherent backscattering and far-field beamforming in acoustics
Aubry, A., A. Derode, P. Roux, and A. Tourin
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121, no. 1, 70-77 (2007)
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Influence of correlations between scatterers on the attenuation of the coherent wave in a random medium
Derode, A., V. Mamou, and A. Tourin
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74, no. 3 (2006)
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Time reversal telecommunications in complex environments
Tourin, A., G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, A. Derode, and M. Fink
Comptes Rendus Physique 7, no. 7, 816-822 (2006)
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Time reversal of wideband microwaves
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 88, no. 15 (2006)
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Time reversal of electromagnetic waves and telecommunication
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Radio Science 40, no. 6 (2005)
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Weak localization and time reversal of ultrasound in a rotational flow
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, A. Derode, P. Roux, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 95, no. 7 (2005)
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Relation between time reversal focusing and coherent backscattering in multiple scattering media: A diagrammatic approach
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, A. Derode, B. Van Tiggelen, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70, no. 4 2, 046601-1-046601-12 (2004)
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Telecommunication in a disordered environment with iterative time reversal
Montaldo, G., G. Lerosey, A. Derode, A. Tourin, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Waves Random Media 14, no. 3, 287-302 (2004)
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Imaging from one-bit correlations of wideband diffuse wave fields
Larose, E., A. Derode, M. Campillo, and M. Fink
Journal of Applied Physics 95, no. 12, 8393-8399 (2004)
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Time reversal of electromagnetic waves
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 92, no. 19, 193904-1 (2004)
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Taking advantage of multiple scattering to communicate with time-reversal antennas
Derode, A., A. Tourin, J. De Rosny, M. Tanter, S. Yon, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 90, no. 1, 014301/1-014301/4 (2003)
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Time reversal versus phase conjugation in a multiple scattering environment
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Ultrasonics 40, no. 1-8, 275-280 (2002)
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Ultrasound shock wave generator with one-bit time reversal in a dispersive medium, application to lithotripsy
Montaldo, G., P. Roux, A. Derode, C. Negreira, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 80, no. 5, 897-899 (2002)
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Sensitivity to perturbations of a time-reversed acoustic wave in a multiple scattering medium
Tourin, A., A. Derode, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 87, no. 27 I, 2743011-2743014 (2001)
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Generation of very high pressure pulses with 1-bit time reversal in a solid waveguide
Montaldo, G., P. Roux, A. Derode, C. Negreira, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110, no. 6, 2849-2857 (2001)
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Numerical and experimental time-reversal of acoustic waves in random media
Derode, A., M. Tanter, A. Tourin, L. Sandrin, and M. Fink
Journal of Computational Acoustics 9, no. 3, 993-1003 (2001)
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Random multiple scattering of ultrasound. II. Is time reversal a self-averaging process?
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64, no. 3 II, 366061-366113 (2001)
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Random multiple scattering of ultrasound. I. Coherent and ballistic waves
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64, no. 3 II, 366051-366057 (2001)
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Multiple scattering of sound
Tourin, A., M. Fink, and A. Derode
Waves Random Media 10, no. 4, R31-R60 (2000)
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Transport parameters for an ultrasonic pulsed wave propagating in a multiple scattering medium
Tourin, A., A. Derode, A. Peyre, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, no. 2, 503-512 (2000)
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Limits of time-reversal focusing through multiple scattering: Long-range correlation
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107, no. 6, 2987-2998 (2000)
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Dynamic time reversal of randomly backscattered acoustic waves
Tourin, A., A. Derode, and M. Fink
Europhysics Letters 47, no. 2, 175-181 (1999)
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Time reversal in multiply scattering media
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Ultrasonics 36, no. 1-5, 443-447 (1998)
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Correlation length of ultrasonic speckle in anisotropic random media: Application to coherent echo detection
Derode, A., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, no. 1, 73-82 (1998)
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Partial coherence of transient ultrasonic fields in anisotropic random media: Application to coherent echo detection
Derode, A., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, no. 2, 690-704 (1997)
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